The idea of the mod is to introduce a new Society of Combat Archery into Skyrim complete with an underground clubhouse called the Talos Sanctarium. The idea is to actually train yourself as an archer as opposed to just paying a trainer and leveling up, because lets be honest..kinda boring. The quest will do this through a series of brief lectures on tactics and alchemy as well as several training rooms all of which will prepare you for a culminating test of membership. If you succeed than you will be rewarded with membership as well as a unique bow made by Artisanix, a unique sword, and a unique outfit.
Anyone who is interested in helping or who has a opinion please feel free to leave a comment or PM me anytime
Lastly I released a that has a download with a sword i made for this mod, which i know seems odd but the bow isnt mine so i cant just hand it out, either way check it out if you like