Trouble with modified enemies in my mod not attack

Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:21 pm

I wonder if anyone can help please? Have been racking my brain for weeks over this and working around it, I now can't put it off any longer.

I'm trying to put skeletons in a tomb, if I drop a standard skeleton in there it works fine, or even if I give the skeleton a new Id it works, if I change any of the stats or values, even just one it stops attacking when you go near to it. it will still walk around, taunt, make a lot of noise and bang it's shield but no matter what you do to it it will not strike at you. I'm having the same trouble with a dremora also, in a different area of my mod.

Has anyone come across this before or know a solution.

Thank you.

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Post » Wed Jun 26, 2013 9:24 pm

How are you setting their attack data? or their ai packages?

if you're dropping them into custom interiors, etc, are you navmeshing them?

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