Strength is something i have a lot of respect for but after thinking for some time about the races of tamriel i find it hard to choose the best race.
Most of the time mer ( except orcs) are considered weak and men usually being the warriors. But elves have a long lifespan ( 500 years i think). With that much time on their hands they can become legendary warriors. The humans only live for about 60 to 70 years which is nothing compared to mer.
I know the bosmer are considered the weakest but they're archers which needs some strength where the altmer prefers magic which needs no strength so...
I've also read somewhere that mer has a weaker bone structure which would explain why they are not usually warriors but i don't know if this is a fact since the mer has a wide variety of races. Even the dremora has an elven appearance and they are the strongest by far (i guess).
Orcs are extremely strong but live even shorter than men because of their curse so that's not really long term.
I just want to know what you guys think would be the strongest (long term) warriors.