I haven't really looked at many other forums on here other than Skyrim to be honest. I lurk a few mods here and there, etc.
I was simply stating that for comedy sake.
Or something. I ain't going next gen, not this time. Too risky for me.
I haven't really looked at many other forums on here other than Skyrim to be honest. I lurk a few mods here and there, etc.
I was simply stating that for comedy sake.
Or something. I ain't going next gen, not this time. Too risky for me.
Are you really that na?ve? Anyway, I'm finished with you; carry on with your petty experimentation.
Only 90% of players have completed Unbound? Wuuuut
Yes, my naiveté extends to such lengths that I believe that researching the way people play a game can positively affect the future of the game series.
What a blabbering child I am.
Is there really any need for this level of rudeness? Quite frankly I find the old "if they are monitoring us, they must be evil and doing evil things with the data" routine incredibly boring. No offense, but I sincerely doubt there is much important about you or any of us that would warrant misuse of the information they collect.
There's being safe on the internet and then there's being paranoid.
Hmmm, that's assuming the playerbase knows what they like in a game.
I like some games, but I don't know why, something just draws me to it, even games I usually would never play.
Anyway, humans don't know fully what they really want, you might think you know, but imagine if nothing unexpected came along, how would you know you would like it? If it never was.
Does this make sense? :/
The voting shows that any further debate on the 'advantages' of networked mind control (still we play with the mind in the virtuality) is as useful as a hole in the head. If you indeed have to play your offline games online because you're addicted to virtuality instead of reality, well, that is up to you. We play just for fun in our sparetime, and when free fun turns into the controlled opposite, there goes the game and the game company as well. So easy is that. 1-2-3 and the company is on the rocks, forever!
To understand something you need to know not only when and how often it happens, but also why. Do people use this weapon often because it's powerful? Good looking? Easy to acquire? Is this feature ignored because it's underpowered, overpowered, uninteresting or just underdeveloped? You won't get these answers from raw statistics. You need qualitative research, for which simple monitoring is not enough. Not to mention you'd run the risk of oversimplifying the game because the majority of players never used X or did Y. Even if it's not your initial intention, you're tempted to be more cost effective and remove features when you see how unpopular they are.
With Bethesda's history of removing features instead of fixing them, I'm not sure if they'd draw the right conclusions from collected data.
no thanks we have enough of that going on already in the world...the new Kinect will be watching you in light or dark and monitor your heart rate which is some creepy crap imo.
If they want to learn what the fans like then all they have to monitor is these boards here
Why would they do qualitative research if they don't have the statistical data to warrant it.
If they can identify for example that non combat skills are unpopular that fundamental statistic may cause them to alter the gameplay to be more engaging, or at least do further research on why "this or that" is unpopular instead of cutting it without having done any research on the subject.
If you so strongly believe that they are going to cut things out of the game, then doing the research behind it is somehow wrong?
Would you not have preferred that they had done research before cutting things?
Or do you believe that this research would only increase their efficiency of achieving their ultimate goal; streamlining and cutting features; and if that is so, isn't it ultimately better that they achieve their goal in a shorter period of time so they can sooner realize that what they are doing is counter productive.
Maybe they'll just fast forward to making "TES: Modern Combat" it will be a hilarious disaster and they'll be back on track making the games they've always been destined to make e.i. approximately Skyrim with more complexity.
haha true but they could pay attention to what the majority agree upon and build off of that. Obviously everyone has their own opinions but a common ground can be found
I feel like people have had a knee-jerk reaction to this post.
With the zeitgeist of the NSA / Edward Snowden thing going on, and Xbox One paranoia rampant, it seems like this thread was destined to sail the forums as a fail boat.
Or you know, toggles.
There is gonna be a lot of toggle options in the next TES if they listen to "us".
Pft, as if that is anything new? Everyone knew what was going on, Edward Snowden is just confirming we weren't wrong.
And this is why they shouldn't listen to 'us'. Toggle forest is not desirable, at all.
Yes! If they listen to the advice we give Bethesda in this forum every feature in TES VI will be toggle-able. Even the name of the game will be toggle-able.
I hope the intro sequence will atleast become toggleable after the first go around. It takes so long.
Because it helps make game better.
I chose "Yes", for the same reason I opt into this option with other software I use.
Feedback is the most important element to a developer, even if it has to be collected anonymously. If they left it up to gamers to tell them what's wrong, well, we'd need a forum for them to vent.
Besides, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Bethesda is already collecting this data. I'm not saying they are, by the way.
Welcome into my game, Bethesda. Let me know if there's anything else I can to do make Oblivion a better game.
Hell if I was the developer using those achievements as the OP asks I would cut out Marriage, adoption, buying houses and owning land since they are all in the teens or less. *Shudder* yet another reason NOT to use that kind of survey since those kinds of things are fun for me and add to the RP elements. No, no, a thousand times NO!
They already do this. Every time a console logs onto XBL or PC opens Steam, your achievements are uploaded.
If I'm not mistaken the stats from your "stat" tab are uploaded as well. Like the number of murders, assaults, stolen horses and what have you.