why are they so big? any idea how to make a decent looking bosmer?
I actually meant bretons, Im such a tool
why are they so big? any idea how to make a decent looking bosmer?
I actually meant bretons, Im such a tool
don't laugh, help, she looks like barbra streisand in yentl
my biggest complaint with creation is the mouths on every race...most of them are badly shaped (too big or small) and have a stupid expression about them. Some races are worse then others, for instance I tried to make a serious looking Imperial man and most of the mouths have a stupid smirk to them. Why they didn't just have normal expressionless mouths is beyond me
I had to google Horatio Caine (hate cop shows) but I lol'd when the sunglass pic came up
csi miami is like a very long and very boring rock video
https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1600&bih=799&q=neanderthal+man&oq=neander&gs_l=img.3.1.0l10.1337.1997.0.3427. Besides, is he an Imperial?
Yes, most character presets have something messed up.
But it never is something that can't be easily fixed by changing the sliders.
Whoever successfully manages to make their Bosmer look like any of these 3 http://www.empireonline.com/images/image_index/hw800/72552.jpg wins all the Internet.