Game crashes on saving.

Post » Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:07 pm

Hello, Skyrim has recently started crashing on saves. It's unpredictable, as a session that was working yesterday might stop working today. Yesterday I fixed this issue by reloading a save file that has working saves, and playing from there. When I booted the game up today, the game stopped saving properly. It was working for about half an hour then it stopped working all of a sudden.

The only mods I have enabled now are the 3 official DLC's, none others. I run the game from the Skyrimlauncher. I have tried the trick where you load a save file that has working saves, kill yourself, then load the new save, but my game just crashes in that process at random points.

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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:14 pm

My game sometimes CTD's on quicksaves, so I stopped using them, never ever ever ever had a CTD from going into the pause menu and saving from there though. Never had one from using the console command "save charnameorsomethingthatyouwanttonameyoursave".

Try the console command one?

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Post » Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:37 pm

That doesn't work. Also, if I type in player.kill in the console, and try to load that save, it crashes to desktop as well.


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Post » Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:39 pm

Can you try this ???? (It's confirmed from many users as a working solution) - maybe it helps you out..

1. Load an older save (as long as it doesn't have CTD on save glitch, then load it)
2. Create a NEW save (through pause menu)
3. Type in player.kill
4. Load your latest save (the one that had CTD glitch)
5. Type in player.kill
6. Try saving (or use just quicksave)

Your save will most likely be fixed...


Another solution is: Try it in offline mode, maybe somethings screwed up with the cloud or something.

If the problem persist you can try:

Turn off steam cloud and steam community in-game. Unistall skyrim and delete the skyrim folder. Go to your My documents/My Games/skyrim and delete everything except the saves folder.

Reinstall and start skyrim, start a new game play for an 1 hour - 2 hours, save and try loading the save. If it doesn't crash then skyrim is installed correctly.

Try to load you other saves now and they shouldn't crash.

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Post » Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:02 am

I tried that method but it seems my issue as that I had uninstalled some mods...the game refused to save without mods enabled o_O who would've thought

Thanks anyways

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