i love this game
I never knew you could do that with NPC's. See that? Learn something new every day.
Awesome! I remember I dropped my Sanguine's Rose(I think that's how you spell it) to drop some weight, it was near the hidden Dawnstar chest. So I came back, and decided to pickpocket some people(I get curious of what some people have in their inventory) and what did she have? My Sanguine's Rose, now I could have cared less for the staff, but I was pretty suprised. So many awesome things in this game!
Yeah.. they omit spell crafting and weapon degredation so they can include trivial crap like this.
That's cool, I never knew this either. It adds a sense of realism to the game, since irl if someone leaves a shiny weapon out in public, someone is bound to pick it up.
Last night I witnessed something both funny and a problem. Ralof was walking back into Riverwood after the Jagged crown quest when he drew his weapon and the guards and town became hostile towards him for some strange reason...the funny thing is his sister Gerdur was walking through town and a random Whiterun guard turned and cut her down before going after Ralof, the problem is that Ralof's essential and has killed Alvor and a few other people already and a reload didn't fix this hostility bug.