I have a simple setup: A cow that is an alias in a quest. This alias applies a package on the cow, so that the cow is at a marker in a cave. The cow properly rests at that marker. Then the player starts the quest, and enters the cave. Right before entering (Looking at the door) the cow is still in the cave. I can wait several hours, mess around, whatever. The cow stays in the cave like it should.
However when I enter the cave, it says the cow is VERY far away off the edge of the level, but in the same cell? I can't see it on the map, only the quest marker pointing indefinitely off the edge. It does not point through a door. Upon exiting the cave, the cow is suddenly back home, where it's default sandbox package tells it to rest, at 'editor location'. The alias package no longer has effect, and the cow will not budge.
I've checked the conditions on the package, I've tried Travel and Sandbox. I can't figure out why this cow pulls a magical teleportation act, and in such an odd way.
Any suggestions? Any ideas what would cause this?