I haven't been lucky when I've tried out ENB, so I've postponed dealing with it. I've either had weird graphical issues, stability issues (yesterday, the save wouldn't even load when trying out a variant, for example) or I haven't been happy at all with the result. But if I understand it correctly it should be better to have AA etc. handled via ENB, plus it solves the issue with shadow striping etc., so I would like to get a working, stable ENB set up.
I have no problem getting the basic enbseries v178 up and running. The issue there is rather that I'm not happy with the visuals on default settings as I think the world looks washed out compared to vanilla. Which means I should either start editing it or try out an ENB addon.
Anyway, here are a couple of questions:
1. Does anyone have a tip for ENB settings or an ENB addon for someone who is quite happy with the vanilla look, but would like ENB to handle AA, AF and detailed shadows?
2. When an addon says that it requires a certain version of EN (say 170, as Sharpshooter), does that mean that it requires that particular version or "170 or above"?
3. Most addons seem to require and/or be tweaked for Realistic Lighting Overhaul and/or Climates of Tamriel, neither of which I use (well, I use RLO for city interiors). Recommendations for ENB addons that don't require them?
I thought I'd focus on ENB today, so any recommendations and tips are very much appreciated.