Tips for a Necromancer Build?

Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:24 am

Hello all! I want to RP a Necromancer, and I would like some tips. I actually tried this build before and failed HARD. Necros are fascinating, but I can't seem to make them right. Well, the main thing is that I end up with no way of killing an enemy, and have to rely on a follower to kill for me, which works on the few first levels, but after that... you simply end up worrying more about your dying follower than anything else.

Here is what I'm cooking up:

I won't summon any Daedra, just raise corpses. No Destruction, but here is where I find my first roadblock, how am I going to kill enemies? I don't want to use physical weapons, so should I use bound weapons? If I don't have a way of killing for myself, Dragons will be a problem.

I am thinking about getting Illusion, but if so, I'm not sure I should have a follower, because they really get in your way when you try to sneak around.

Since I want to be a vampire, Necromage will be great. Better enchantments on me, more vulnerable Draugr.

As for Standing Stone, I was thinking about the Ritual, but I'm so used to the Lord... not sure which.

So, that's what I have up to now. What can you guys add, or change from this? As I said before, I've tried Necros before, but I can't build them, it's not effective... How can I improve this?

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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:39 am

Well, daggers are allowed, since I often find them on many of Necros I slaughter. Armored boots and Gloves might help, but other than that, I can't think of anything.

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James Rhead
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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:24 pm

Just summon dremora, raise dead corpses, dress your character in black, and be a creepy A-hole to people in dialogue options.

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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:00 am

I'd say use destruction, but focus more on the vampires skills. Just because you use destruction doesn't mean you have to use the elemental skills. Off the top of my head can't think of anything in destruction besides the elemental spells though xp. Also, I'd recommend using at least a dagger, for one, if your a necromancer I'd think soul trapping would be a thing, so you'll need wither a melee or ranged weapon to give you the best chance of that.

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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:14 pm

Kill them with destruction magic, raise the corpses, profit.

Though even with what Beth added, consoles are still lacking... but if you're on the PC...

I'd recommend finding a mod that removes the Dead Thrall restriction, so you can have proper undead minions.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:04 am

Almost all of the Mages I have played in the last six months equip a Bound Sword hotkeyed to thier Right Hand, and keep the spell active anywhere outside of town. I use the Left Hand for casting Destruction, Alteration, Restoration and Illusion Spells everything else . Keeping a Bound sword equipped in the presence of opponents will cause Conjuration to level faster than Familiars and weaker reanimated Minions. When a Summoning or Reanimated Minion Dies, Conjuration stops being levelled until a replacement has been made, a Bound Sword does not have these problems. Bound Swords can also provide a means of defense, a Soul Trap, and the turning of Raised Undead and Banishing of other characters Summons if You want to invest the Perks.

With the Conjuration Cost Reduction Perks, and Enchanted Robes/Rings/Circlets/Necklaces for decreased Conjuration Casting Cost and increased Magicka Regeneration, any Conjuration Spell but the Thralls can be reduced to less than 100 Magicka to cast. I can have a viable Necromancer that has invested in just Health when levelling up, I do not need to invest in any Magicka because the Game will supply Quest Rewards that can be used to increase My characters Magic Pool if they use Conjuration as a primary Skill. I still invest into Magicka if My Necromancer or Conjurationist is using another school of Magic besides Alteration.

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Post » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:57 pm

Thanks for all the replies guys. It's a shame that I'm on the PS3 and we don't have the mod that Hevnoraak posted T_T

I find Dead Thrall so weak for a master level spell... I can't revive Draugr Deathlords, which are some of the best corpses for a Necro to revive... Well, I'll have to play with what I get.

Anyways, thanks again for the tips, I'll remember them when I create this chick, Dunmer, for sure!

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Saul C
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:32 am

Really?!?! No wonder you "failed HARD" as you said on your first go round as a necromancer. Dead Thrall is an AWESOME spell. You can basically have two complete bada$$es follow you wherever you go. Imagine having a dead Master Vampire and a dead Master Electromancer with you at all times, THAT is what makes dead thrall so great. You dont want to have a dead thrall Whiterun guard, you want someone awesome and powerful, like Malkoran or Orchendor.

You need some way of creating corpses so I highly advise you take some skill in Destruction, that is, unless you want to go the non mage route of using weapons. All of my Necromancers use destruction. They are proud Necromancer pure mages and they rule. Take an element in Destruction and use that along with your Conjuration and you should be fine.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:29 am

LOL that's the thing, I never knew which NPC's to revive, so I tried to revive Draugr Deathlords and they always resist it, even with Necromage... Now, if I can revive Master Vampires (on PS3, no mods) then I can see where this spell shines! Master Vampires are really powerful, are you sure you can revive them on PS3? I mean, I can't revive Draugr Deathlords, you think Master Vampires are a go?

The Destruction thing is that I'll be so inclined to use it, that I'll over do it and became a mage. That's why I'm thinking on having bound weapons instead. It's still into Conjuration, so they have some relation with magic.

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:47 am

Dead Thrall does not work on anything OTHER than people.

It's obvious that Draugr SHOULD count, but lolbeth.

That said, you can still Dread Zombie them for a few minutes... But they disintegrate, and only last for a minute or two. But as another user stated, there are powerful NPCs that make exceptional thralls. He mentioned mages. Bandit Chiefs are arguably the most convenient and in-abundance melee thralls. Having a Bandit Chief and a Master electro/Pyro/Cryomancer makes quite a potnet team, as you got all ranges covered.

Bandit and Forsworn high level archers are also great ranged thralls with their bows.

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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:06 pm

Dead thralls only work on people. I think only a very few people are to powerful for it, and the only one I can recall at the moment is the volkihar master vampire
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:25 am

Wow, ok. So, having a mage-ike (or archer) thrall and a strong melee one... Now we are getting somewhere. I like the potential of this spell now. I'll try it on a mage I have and see if I can revive Master Vampires. If I can, then I think it will be safe to say that this time, I'll get this build right =)

Thanks for all this tips!

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:07 am

It would be hugely beneficial for your build if you become a vampire AND invest in Necromage (in the restoration tree).

Being a vampire would means you are harder to be detected in general, and Illusion buff (stronger and longer Illusion spells).

Necromage would effect undead AND corpses. All raise dead spells would affect corpses at higher level and they would last longer; and your raised undead can be given even better buff (from healing or Illusion Rally spells) if you invest in the functional Illusion tree (on the right).

Necromage also affects YOU (Because you're technically dead :smile:). Those Illusion buff and stealth buff that you received from just being a vampire in the first place will be double-buffed, and all self-applying spells (healing spells, flesh spells) AND enchantments will be higher. If you max out on the functional tree, your dual cast Expert illusion spells (which received bonus from the double-buffed Illusion) can affect EVERYTHING in the game except Dragons and the Greybeards.

Spells that are both in the Illusion school AND self-applying, such as and especially Invisibility, also receive double buffs. That stealth double buff you already received plus investing in the last perk in Sneak can allow you to literally disappear out of thin air in front on an enemy in broad daylight on Legendary without needing to break his line of sight . Though, it requires you to be quick on your feet and move a distance on Legendary because high level enemies are more perceptive... just try it out and you will eventually learn.

Illusion-conjuration vampire mage is a beautiful thing to play with. I also recommend pickpocket (mainly for the reverse-pickpock poison perk) and Alchemy. With Alchemy you can create potion to add more time to your undead, and add more power to your Illusion spells. And with the Restoration loop, you can make potion that literally make your undead and conjuration (if you decide to use them) last for a couple real-life hours, and Illusion spells that affect creatures and people of level 200! (it's really unnecessary with your build anyway, unless you want to mess with the Greybeards just for laughs)

Throw me a question if you want. I consider myself kind of an expert on this type of build. :D

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