I'm sure many of you with great PCs including myself love to load up Skyrim with a 12gb texture folder. Game looks pretty for sure, but there is a major flaw in the game engine or maybe Directx9, Skyrim mirrors textures in the system RAM as well as the VRAM.
Either way Skyrim can only address up to 4gbs of ram and no the ram shown in Skyrim performance monitor or task manager is the "working set". What I and many others have found is that at about 3.1gbs of ram usage in task manager; usually means Skyrim has hit 4gbs of ram usage.
Boom crash, everytime Skyrim hits 3.1gbs of ram usage.
Now I don't have a weak machine and no my mods arn't causing this issue. I have made a clean install of Skyrim with just texture packs and the issue is quite predictible. The game slowly creeps up from 2.2gbs of usage to 3.1gb. The engine isn't very good at purging memory either but the main issues is the limits and I believe Skyrim would be a lot more stable if it were to use more then 4gbs of ram.
The only way Skyrim will allow us to have a lot of texture mods is if Bethesda make the game 64bit. Look I know I'm asking a lot Bethesda but I can't enjoy this game without modded textures. I have tried optimizing them, downgrading them all to 2k etc but the memory this game uses just builds up and up without purging.
Bethesda I urge you, I really want to enjoy this game again but with this and the lipsync issues I think I'm going to have to shelve it, shame too I still haven't played dragonborn.
Maybe if we can get this thread popular, just maybe Bethesda will notice it.
More on this issue at the S.T.E.P forums, I can't link it but it's under the support and trouble shooting and it's called "CTD at 3.1gb"