I am having a probelm with becoming a vampire lord. I just bought dawnguard. Updated to patch 1.9. Installed Dawnguard.
I started the dawnguard questline and everything was going fine until harkon went to change me into a vampire. I'm talking to him and tell him that I want to become a vapmpire lord. After that he says hold still and then nothing happens. He just stairs at me.
I am still able to move but I can't use any of my combat commands. I can access the start menu, the normal menu, walk around, and jump. I have reloaded from a save game like 5 times. Everytime its the same thing.
I have been researching how to fix this for the past hour. The only thing I have come across that might help is curing myself of vampierism, then going on to become a vampire lord. I'm going to try that right now. If it works I will post a reply.
If anyone has experienced this problem or knows how to fix it, please let me know.
System Specs:
Console - PS3
Patch - 1.9
DLC - Dawnguard
Race - High Elf
Level - 81
Vampire Status - Am Vampire
Have Follower - Yes