Time Travel and the Elder Scrolls?

Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:34 pm

A few weeks ago I was doing a run of Majora's Mask while waiting for a mod to be updated. While going back in time to once again try to stop the moon from killing everything, I was struck with the thought of Time Travel in the Elder Scrolls universe, and since then the idea has been eating away at me. In the main quest we see with Alduin that the Elder Scrolls are capable of sending someone hundreds of years into the Future, if not more. So, theoretically, what if someone was thrown through time before the Kapla had begun? The very concept of traveling through time in Elder Scrolls franchise is only explored in a few quests, and as one of the Theories regarding the Dwemer's disappearance.

I can't help but wonder, if sent through time would a person be saved from Alduin? Would they survive the mass reset of the world and find themselves in the new one, or would they still be erased from existence before reaching it? There may be some Lore that I'm not aware of that can answer this, but in the chance that there isn't then what do you guys think would happen? If nothing else it's a fun thing to think about.

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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:07 pm

Guide to time traveling by Michaelpk-

Hello time traveler. when you read this you will learn how to time travel.
To travel forward you use the wait function. quite simple.
to travel to the past you load an old save. quite simple too.
that is all you need to know about time travel. good luck on you adventures.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:26 pm

I suspect, but don't quote me on this, trans-kalptic travel would only be possible if the person doing the travelling existed outside of time and possibly Aurbis itself. Basically, you would need to be subject to the same rules Alduin is, whatever they may be as he is the only really trans-kalptic being.

The only examples of time travel we do have worked within the boundaries of the current kalpa. (Pelinal back in time, Alduin forward)

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