I have had Lakeview Manor built for several in-game months now and he is still naked and dead at the original spot.
I've fount that since patch 1.9 that some, not all, bodies refuse to clear up. Same with ash piles of named NPC's, which was supposed to be fixed by the patch. It doesn't happen every time but it happens enough to notice more so when the body or ash pile is in an area that you visit most.
It may not be the same across all games, it may just be that in your game that wood cutter is the one NPC that won't clear up just as there's an ash pile in Whiterun for me that won't clear up. From my experience thus far it seems as though it's random when it comes to what bodies refuse to clear up and what ones do clear up.
It may be a wood cutter for you but may be a courier in Whiterun for someone else. Either way the latest patch isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing.
If on PC you can use the console command to manually clean up the body but if you are a console player like me then there's nothing that can be done other then ignoring it ( unless you do the save file transfer, which I have done several time to " clean " my game. You shouldn't have to do this, seeing how it's bending the rules with Microsoft BUT if Beth. did it right then I wouldn't have to use the save file transfer. )
With the save file transfer you can use the console command to manually clean up dead bodies, I don't exactly remember the command but there is one. As for your question.... I thought you had killed the wood cutter, if his corpse was already there just like the bodies at the Talos shrine then no they won't clean up because they are scripted to be there. You could try dragging his corpse to the lake or hiding it in the brush, but it my respawn back to it's original location after 30 days.
I've never had a dead woodcutter outside of Lakeview, and sometimes the Thalmor are not at the Talos shrine. As was said, it can be different for different games.
Well damn! Maybe it will show up now that I have the game on pc. I have the Lakeview land, though haven't built on it yet. Thanks!
I'm pretty sure that scripted corpses never get cleaned up. However, I'm not familiar with the code, so someone who is will have to give you the definitive yea or nay on your question!
It's necessary IF you are a console player, it's either do the save file transfer or ignore it. If you are on PC all you have to do is use the console command but us console players don't have access to the console command thus the save file transfer is needed for quick fixes.
As I said if it's a scripted corpse then it will not clear up with the re-spawn, but you can " re-locate " the corpse away from your home. Only issue there is that once the cell re-spawns the wood cutters corpse will most likely be back to it's original location.
Perhaps the body is scripted to stay until the player removes the axe
I know it's against the rules BUT sometimes it's the only option we have to fix the game. Tis the ONLY reason I've really used it. One could argue that if Beth did it right on their own ( as some moders have show possible ) one wouldn't need to use the save file transfer.
Anyway seeing how you are as well a console player, the only options you really have is to either ignore the corpse or move it to another location, but run the chance that it will return once the cell re-spawns.
IMO I say leave it, if it was there to begin with.
I just meant hullabaloo as in "Why make a big deal about it?" I've had to patch my 360 game a few times myself with that method. Anyway, good luck with disabling him.