Heh, fixed it now. I did think it was a bit...yeah, my bad. It's gone now, just the advice remains.
Heh, fixed it now. I did think it was a bit...yeah, my bad. It's gone now, just the advice remains.
Cinematic yes, because of cinematic kill cams, or as I like to call them, crap on the mona lisa.
Of course it can, but Skyrim would also benefit from cut scenes imho. The end of oblivion as an example, I personally loved that ending sequence and want Beth to take that route with their games. I'm not a fan of the bland unfinished feeling I got in skyrim. This is just my opinion though
Yeah, proper cutscenes or nothing.
I agree. the way Skyrims MQ ended felt "unfinished"
the Cinematic at the end of Oblivions MQ left me with a Sense of Accomplishment... felt like I actually did something meaningful (Not to mention, Martins VA did an amazing job voicing that epilogue).
when I first completed Skyrims main quest I was like:
"umm okay... what now...no cinematic... no real recognition... *goes to talk to the Greybeards* ... hmm nothing... *goes and talks to the blades* .. okay I have to go kill Paarth I guess *Kills Paarth* okay now they want me to bring them recruits *goes and brings recruits* ... what now..? where the closure! you can't have a MQ without some form of closure!"
I split out a lot of off topic posts and some that were rude and flaming.
I disagree, I feel the game should keep focusing on the half life 2 approach, they should keep the experience going on through the players eyes.
That doesn't mean they're as good as they could be, TES needs to take it further in the next game, make facial expressions better, more accurate and varied and have expressions reflect the dialogue/monologue.
Maybe let the player "walk and talk"
Of course that would probably be a cakewalk for PC and a nightmare for consoles.
That's the reason for no more DLC! I knew it, they've pulled a HL2 Ep 2 on us! They figure that people will want to know what happens next and will buy TES VI when it comes out to find out.
To repeat myself from the theatre the other night *gets into character*: "So cunning and so young is wonderful."
I find the game just right as far as cinematic sequences go. I personally enjoy the kill cams, despite having the odd bugged one (werewolf kill cams seem the worst for me) and also not getting them exactly when I want them (some kills were just too special to not get a kill cam ).