Post your role playing ideas

Post » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:43 pm

A bit of discussion about roleplaying lately and just wondering what kind of characters people come up with?

Most recently I've started a female redguard who is completely ignoring the mq after escaping from helgen (which she sprinted through without cooperating with the legion guy or the stormcloak guy or talking to them at all). She's since been hunting (by bow) and gathering, learning alchemy and stealthily raiding forsworn camps (with archery when necessary), and then taking the loot to sell in falkreath and riverwood. She acquired some forsworn armour on one of her raids and that's what she still wears.

All pretty standard stuff, however she has also taken a very specific liking to jewels after lucking on to some very expensive ones (flawless diamonds and emeralds), and is also now learning to become a jeweller and focussing on seeking out jewels and making them into jewellery to sell (and collect). This is very early stages (level 8), I'm going to aim to make her an extremely rich and powerful property owner due to her hopefully fruitful treasure hunting adventures. She already seems to have a ruthless attitude with no time for niceties with people.

So tl;dr I've made a stealthy female archer passionate about jewels. I don't gaf about jewels irl, and previously in skyrim I couldn't sell jewels fast enough and never made jewellery, but for some reason I'm finding this interesting.

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Stacey Mason
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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:15 am

One day, I'll have to play someone who live an everyday life without adventuring or exploring at all, just be a wanderer, hunting, fishing and working for his living.

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Post » Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:14 pm

Yeah I was half planning with this character to actually flee from danger consistently, but it is hard to do that.

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Post » Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:41 pm

Not really fleeing from danger; he/she would defend her life and help others but that would be it.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:07 am

I have always had problems role playing as I am not your typical role playing type of guy. Im a COD fanatic who fell in love with Skyrim, but here is the latest I am trying right now.

I am role playing what I call a "Thalmor Elite Nemisis Enforcer" or the "Thalmor Supreme Being" secret operative sort of like a CIA type who's goal is to infiltrate the Nord stronghold of Jorvaskar, gain their trust, and learn and master their ways of combat (block, 2hd and 1hd). He is to avoid choosing sides in the ongoing civil war, and instead, must kill and eliminate any and all Stormcloaks and Imperials he come across. Especially their in their camps. This guy is the best of the best of the best that the Altmer has to offer. Sort of Thalmor highborn noble royalty. Goal is the establish complete dominance of Altmer in not just Skyrim or Tamriel, but EVERYWHERE.

This Supreme Being Thalmor, named Lucifer, is to master One Hand Swordsmanship and Two Handed Swordsmanship, and become the "leader" of the Companions, then when that is accomplished, he will go to the college, complete the Destruction and Alteration magic he learned as a child, and eliminate the weakling Ancano who has proven to be a weak link in the Thalmor plan.

Equipment and perks goal by level 56:

Smithing - Steel and Arcane Smithing. Possibility of going up to Ebony or Daedric end game. Will see how he plays out.

Heavy Armor - 5/5 Juggarnaut, up the left side all the way to Conditioning

2 Handed - 5/5 Barbarian, Champions Stance, devastating blow

One Hand - 5/5 armsman, fighting stance, savage strike.

Alchemy - 2/5 Alchemist, physician, benefactor, poisoner

Destruction - Novice, augmented flames 2/2, augmented shock 2/2, duel casting, impact

Alteration - Novice to master, with 3/3 magic resistance, stability and atronach

Enchanting - 5/5, all the way up to extra effect


Steel armor - duel enchanted

Steel gauntlets - duel enchanted

Steel boots - duel enchanted

Mage Hood - duel enchanted

Skyforge Steel Greatsword - duel enchanted

Skyforge Steel sword - duel enchanted

Supreme Being Diamond Gold ring - duel enchanted

Supreme Being Diamond Gold neclace - duel enchanted

Since Lucifer only just arrived in Whiterun after escaping Helgen and running right through Riverwood, I am not sure what enchants will be on which piece of equipment, but I do know that Destruction costs will be GREATLY reduced via enchanting and one hand and two hand will be improved.

All perks in werewolf tree will be taken.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:06 am

Right now I'm playing an Imperial who ended up becoming a vampire early on in his travels.

My character isn't exactly vile or ruthless but he's no time for fools or arrogants who don't treat him with his perceived respect. He doesn't consider himself a follower of the 8 or 9 divines though he respects the man that Talos was so he prays at every shrine he comes across and ponders his role as a dragonborn and the connection between him and Talos.

As a vampire he is forced to dine on the blood of others which he only does to bandits and other enemies during combat (mod). He refuses to become a night stalker, taking blood and killing innocents while they sleep safe in their homes.

While he enjoys the adventure he also thoroughly enjoys relaxing, dropping his armor and gear and donning his fine cloths to visit town and relax at home.

He's a bit caught up in the MQ right now as it fits his character but he really looks forward to further exploring and finding the fabled daedric shrines scattered about, he's a bit of a scholar in the less accepted matters of the world.

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