Isn't it quite possible for it to collapse? Because just looking at the area that the residential area that Solitude is built on, isn't it quite likely that one day it could collapse?
Isn't it quite possible for it to collapse? Because just looking at the area that the residential area that Solitude is built on, isn't it quite likely that one day it could collapse?
Everything collapses, eventually.
But in a fantasy setting, you have to suspend your disbelief a bit.
Drunken Tongues/Mages, playing with Fire and Frost.
Ambitious Dragon Cultists with Pickaxes, wooden Beams, and Lamp Oil.
Anyone interested in destroying the City and not keeping Solitude as a Seaport.
Yeah I like my Proudspire manor but I couldnt live in a city built on such a disaster waiting to happen.