Is there a lighting mod that..

Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:47 am

The question is, is there a lighting mod that changes the day/night lighting through a script? Something like how ENB can adjust light levels for day/night cycles except done through an ingame script?

I pretty much only use ENB because of its ability to manage the day/night light levels and since ENB gives me this wierd stutter when I look around in large open areas and since it also adds a performance hit I've started to wonder of there is a mod out there that can manage light levels dynamically through an in-game script.

I have used Realistic Lighting before, and while I like the look, I don't like how when I go from Skyrim to Solstheim the lighting levels are suddenly totally different. Also RL is still incomplete, for example some of the dungeon interiors still need their lighting reworked (removed improperly positioned sources, etc.), I've been to one dungeon where there was this light source floating in the middle of a small room and it was blindingly bright. Realistic Lighting is also incompatible with lighting mods like Relighting Skyrim which try to fix oddly/improperly placed light sources.

Anyway, does anyone know of a lighting mod that can manage day/night lighting levels in-game through a script?

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Maria Garcia
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