I prefer werewolf even though it prevents you from getting skill bonuses from sleeping in your bed, with children and a wife etc. I like the vampire powers better, I just find it too much of a hassle.
I prefer werewolf even though it prevents you from getting skill bonuses from sleeping in your bed, with children and a wife etc. I like the vampire powers better, I just find it too much of a hassle.
The evil Demeter is a werewolf - she enjoys the thrill of the hunt, and loves the wildlife of Skyrim (not bears...never bears, they just seem to kill everything while wolves stand around looking all cute and adorable).
My first playthrough of Dawnguard was with a werewolf. I never used the beast form with her, but the disease immunity was very useful.
Neither. I hunt both if they're making a nuisance of themselves.
Vampire of course. While I rarely change into the VL form, I just like the look of the vampires along with being part of the lore.
My main character, Altmer barbarian, is a werewolf and uses it extensively. With the mods I use it's a life-saver. There are so many bosses that I could not have beaten without it. RIng of Hircine never leaves my pocket.
Neither, as my Nord character is very preoccupied with Sovngarde and with living a noble life in the eyes of his ancestors. Neither beasts nor blood junkies are Sovngarde material.
Before I finally decided on the above course, my first character was a werewolf and completed the entire perk tree. Dawnguard really makes being a werewolf useful, and the beast form was quite a life-saver. I tried out vampirism during the MQ for another character, but didn't like it at all. Too many handicaps and there's that fugly Vampire Lord form as well.
Werewolf FTW
Why in the name of Hircine would you want to be a dust bunny Ewwwwwwwww
I don't really like either actually. My assassin is way more efficient than both put together anyway. If I do get one or the other I end up never using it except to fill out the perk tree for the hell of it. And that can be done in like 30 minutes.
Werewolf because that stupid red line ruins the seriousness of my vamps face
^^ this. The only thing a werewolf has that Id want is immunity to disease so i don't catch stupid vampirism.
OP don't listen to the nay sayer's.....
Once you master the beast form and master the technique of hunting it's a blast. You can control the kill cams and make your own horror flick with as much gore as you wish, stalking your prey is something that can only be experienced there really isn't a good way to put it into words. And eventually you will be hunting legendary dragons while in beast form, there's nothing that can even hold a candle to you once you learn proper hunting technique.
I'm going in-game weeks without reverting due to the amount of hunting I do, hell sometimes I have to wait a couple weeks in place just to revert back to an Orc. Once you get going you can remain a werewolf for as long as you wish without any exploitation, simply be feeding alone. The fear you instill into the population is enthralling, the carnage you can cause is addictive.
IMO werewolf for the win
Normally I would say Werewolf, but I have trouble utilizing them effectively. So Vampire Lord for me, it has saved my butt many times. And with mods the experience is even better.
I can clear out a dungeon in minutes without actually taking damage or even being noticed. If I am to get noticed by say, a boss, a combo of dual wield (with perks) and Elemental Fury means I can kill Draugur Deathlords in seconds, again without taking damage. Efficiency FTW.
Werewolf by a mile. I've tried playing vampires before, and they just don't do anything for me. Hell, I'm not really into hunting them much either. I preferred the way they were prior to Dawnguard's release, but I'm sure I'm in the minority on that one.
Even without mods, I still prefer werewolves. There's just something about the transformation, the hunt, and the total devastaion you can accomplish in just a few minutes, then everything is back to normal, and nobody is none the wiser...except for those psychic guards. I thought we left those fellas back in Cyrodiil.
My Norse Necrowarrior would have been a vampire if it wasn't for her faith in Sovngarde. So she hunts them down instead.
*Oh and I dislike how vampires look. The eyes and the red line? Fine. But the face itself. Oh gawd.
However, I prefer werewolves. Why? I don't know, I just like it more.
I don't like vampire because it messes up your face. And one time I tried it I found myself to be at too much of a disadvantage when fighting during the day, stamina not regenerating ect.
I like werewolf because you can just turn it on or off at will. It's not a condition that you have to manage like vampirism, and it doesn't mar my looks.
Pretty much this. You are not alone, I preferred pre Dawnguard vampires, and still can't find a mod that makes them look like they did.
I also prefer werewolves because they are more agile and faster, in my opinion.
For the record, if I were to choose I would go with vampire because the 3rd person mode for werewolf REALLY throws me off (because you move fast and my video card is garbage so even a little bit of lag at that speed can mess everything up) and because when I transform into Vampire Lord form, it kind of feels like being a floating fortress.
Neither they're both abominations that need to be destroyed.
When Dawnguard first came out I made a save right after I had escorted a certain someone (who is very lovely by the way) to a certain sinister castle. That way I could technically be both a Vampire and a Werewolf, just on different saves. I recommend doing that; choosing between the two is overrated and it gets you your money's worth.
I prefer vampires over werewolves, although i do plan on becoming a werewolf on my current playthrough.