A few days ago I started a Redguard assassin/stealth build, it may not make much sense but well it's my choice. I tried Illusion cause some people suggested it and said it was that good. I raised Illusion to like 78 in and hour or so with muffle casting+wait 1 hour, but since then I haven't really seen any use for the skill... Not only that but also it's hard to use. I admit I only have Novice and Apprentice spells and that may be my problem but if not.. Can anyone explain me how to use it? I have all perks in except adept, expert, master and Master of the Mind.
Any tips? Otherwise I will be using Conjuration or something. Not that I really need it but just for the fun of it. That or I'll full perk my Smithing tree to get some ebony or dragon swords..