Anyway better enemy A.I. is a must in order to have real difficulty. Damage Sponges are not challenging, they are annoying. If anything we should have less heath for quicker and more exciting battles but thats just my opinion. I would rather have have swift sword movements and parrying decide a sword fight than the whack a bandit system currently in place. I looked at this game called Chivalry Medeival warfare and said "Now why couldnt skyrim's sword combat be like this?" I wouldnt blame Bethesda one bit, in fact im hoping, if they took elements from that and put it into the next TES. Even Dragon's Dogma proved you can have great combat in an open world setting, though admittedly the world isnt as big as Skyrim is but its still open world. Making dual weilding less of a gimmick, and more hotkeys (Had eight in oblivion but now we have an alphabetical mess of a favorites menu and two hotkeys. Then that doesnt even work because of some stupid delay when you switch weapons.) 
Locational damage is a must for the next game, and the disposition system has to make a return in some way in order to expand upon the speech skill even more. The lockpicking tree could potentially be fused with the sneak tree but i dont have a solution for the missing tree so Ill leave it as is for now.
Also they need to make skills mean something again. They way it is now "perks" function more like abilites. You dont dont need a perk, its an extra benefit to a position. Such as being able to eat free at some resturaunt because you work there. Having 100 in one-handed isnt doing much for me unless i got the armsman abilites to go with it. If they want perks in the game do it like it is in fallout. As for magic Im sure in the next game they will take the dragon shouts and turn them into spells or at least some of them should be, but we need spells back from previous TES games and spellmaking has to come back. Economy, which we were completley lied to about, should actually be in the next game.