Besides the fact that it assumes all Stormcloaks are men.
Whenever I see a bearded woman, I assume she's a Stormcloak.
So you're saying having an epic beard and looking more masculine than a bicep with biceps that has a beard and drinks vodka like water means you're a Stormcloak? I'm okay with that, since you're basically saying Empire supporters are cleanly-shaven feminine looking men.
If one RP is impossible for me, it's a Nord intellectual. "Intelligent, thoughtful Nord" sounds like an oxymoron.
Wait, there are Nords without beards? What has Skyrim come to!
The Greybeards
Tiber Septim
EDIT: The Skaal
There's more, a lot more, but I don't know all their names.
What's an actual oxymoron are the terms "Brave imperial, honorable imperial, masculine imperial."
My stormcloak had a soul patch and stubbles. Does that count? Fits with his uber-brutal long hair.
Ah, whatever. I just listed her because she's kind of smart, but I hate her.
Tolfdir, GB's and Esbern are the only ones from that list that I would call intellectuals. Do understand that being a nice guy doesn't make you intelligent.
Let's list the other way around - virtually every Stormcloak everywhere, every Jarl except Maven (and even she is pushing it, every Companion (Vilkas being the "smart" companion says a lot about them), every MIGHTY TACOS, DEATH TO ELVES guy in Skyrim, the list goes on.
You seem to imply that I give a rat's ass about Imperials. You'd be very wrong there.