I tried searching for it, but there doesn't seem to really be a consensus of what causes it, or a solution.
I just finished making a new load order list for a new game. I tried it out on a test character for less than half an hour and literally out of the blue when nothing of note is happening, I get a popup with the Microsoft C++ error and Skyrim just crashes. I had to force shutdown it too as it froze while the popup came up and was unclickable.
From what I read, it's because of memory limits being met? This load list should have way less memory impact compared to previous installs I had so I'm a bit concerned as to why they're appearing now.
So is it a memory leak, maybe script spam/papyrus errors from a mod that can cause this? This is really the first time I actually would get a crash that isn't just simply a conflict in Skyrim itself.
I haven't tested a 2nd character yet, might set up script logging and see whether anything's happening.
Edit: Oh jeeze I coulda sworn I was still in the Tech Support PC forum. Mods please close this I'll repost it there.
Edit2: Apparently the moderator Freddo believes it's a Mods issue. Actually I found out it's most probably a https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=skyrim+microsoft+c%2B%2B+runtime+error&oq=skyrim+&aqs=chrome.0.59j57j65l3j60.1833j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8, so by rights this post should be in the PC Hardware/Software subforum, but meh.
Edit3: If it's Dawnguard that's the prob, then it's weird. I've played through a bit of DG on a previous character up to at least meeting Harkon and not having a single issue. This was a new character with less than half an hour playtime and not near any DG areas or NPCs.