What causes the Microsoft C++ error and CTD?

Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:37 pm

I tried searching for it, but there doesn't seem to really be a consensus of what causes it, or a solution.

I just finished making a new load order list for a new game. I tried it out on a test character for less than half an hour and literally out of the blue when nothing of note is happening, I get a popup with the Microsoft C++ error and Skyrim just crashes. I had to force shutdown it too as it froze while the popup came up and was unclickable.

From what I read, it's because of memory limits being met? This load list should have way less memory impact compared to previous installs I had so I'm a bit concerned as to why they're appearing now.

So is it a memory leak, maybe script spam/papyrus errors from a mod that can cause this? This is really the first time I actually would get a crash that isn't just simply a conflict in Skyrim itself.

I haven't tested a 2nd character yet, might set up script logging and see whether anything's happening.

Edit: Oh jeeze I coulda sworn I was still in the Tech Support PC forum. Mods please close this I'll repost it there.

Edit2: Apparently the moderator Freddo believes it's a Mods issue. Actually I found out it's most probably a https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=skyrim+microsoft+c%2B%2B+runtime+error&oq=skyrim+&aqs=chrome.0.59j57j65l3j60.1833j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8, so by rights this post should be in the PC Hardware/Software subforum, but meh.

Edit3: If it's Dawnguard that's the prob, then it's weird. I've played through a bit of DG on a previous character up to at least meeting Harkon and not having a single issue. This was a new character with less than half an hour playtime and not near any DG areas or NPCs.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:18 pm

If it were truly an error in the (minor) programming involved with the DLC, it would effect everyone.

Did you bother to read any of those links you googled?

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:10 pm

Did you: http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846945955299499725/ ?


Errors appeared after they had characters in or leaving the Soul Cairn. Seems several people had it.

Since the point of this forum is to find out problems, you're not exactly helping by saying 'no it ain't a problem cause I said so'.

Finding the common denominator is one way to figure out the cause, except my issue seems to skip the accepted 'common denominator' up to this point, which is concerning, isn't it?

Edit: We can go further. Dawnguard was released for PC on 2 August 2012. Google of 'skyrim microsoft c++ runtime error' reveals no mention of this error appearing before November 2012 at the earliest, and no mention of it in 2011. Most of the CTD reports are from people who played up to the Soul Cairn in DG with the popup of the error. Interestingly, the two links you referred to are a report in November 2012, and the mod was uploaded in Dec 2012; all after August 2012 and following the largest concentration of reports happening in Nov 2012 up to early 2013. Therefore, it's probably not an issue that was present in vanilla Skyrim, otherwise there should be more reports prior to August 2012; but far as Google knows, they are nonexistent and none come up for 2011 or pre-August 2012.

I don't think it's stretch that DG might be a cause of it, possibly in combination with the one of the patches after the original release date of the DLC, since the concentration of reports is in late November 2012 and up to March 2013.

The only thing is pinpointing when it occurs if possible, because I didn't start the DG questline or am near any new DG locations and it still happened, although I had DG.esm checked.

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:56 pm

I think Dawnguard causes this.

First, try re-installing the game or at least verifying the file-cache integrity, maybe some file is missing !!!!!

You can try this too:

Just go to Documents/MyGames/Skyrim and? delete both .ini files.

Have you looked at the papyrus.0 log file, maybe you have a problematic script !!!!!

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Post » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:15 pm

I've this kind of crashes but Dawnguard could hardy be involved as it's currently not active in my game. Both the bsa and the esp are in the data folder but the esp is not activated in game.

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