I was removing some unwanted mods today from my Skyrim library, and I think I may have messed something up. I removed UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) by just deleting the files from the Skyrim folder, and it broke a little part of my game.
When I try to get my old follower (Aela) to come with me, the menu has options as though she's already following me (Wait here/Time to part ways/etc.). However, she basically just ignores me and keeps on doing her own thing. It's weird because I can go and recruit any other follower, and they will behave correctly, letting me disband re-recruit them. I'm on the lastest Skyrim patch with no DLC or expansions, btw.
I've tried every console command there is and I've also reinstalled UFO and uninstalled it correctly, but nothing seems to work. If anyone has had this problem and has fixed it, it would be a great help! Thanks.