Alright so I went ahead and got your Skyrim ultimate edition and I am having a few issues. After installing the add ons and all of that I start the game and get through the prologue and so forth.
After coming to Riverwood I notice that after the first day Hod wont work his mill anymore. Also at Half moon mill only the female will come out of the house. I havent killed Hod or the male at that camp.
So I deleted my saves and game data and re installed the add ons and started Skyrim again. Now after completing the epilogue again I decided to just go forward with my game except for upon arrival to Whiterun there are no guards at the gate to ask me what my business is at Whiterun.
My question is should I avoid installing the add ons until after I have completed the epilogue? Or what do you guys think? Or do I install the ad ons in any particular order? I am stuck and not sure what to do. It says all three are installed in the main menu where it says Downloadable content. I am just not sure what to do at this point
Thanks again