On the issue of QuickScoping

Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:28 am

Some people find quickscoping fun, but being killed in one shot in a split second is not fun, no matter how much skill it took to make that shot, being dead before you know whats happening is boring. So to me it seems like quickscoping goes directly against one of their goals for the game.

This is basically what it comes down to. If something can be considered fun, at the expense of others, then if it can be dealt with/removed, without compromising gameplay, then it should. Quickscoping is a good example of this. Spawn camping is another.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:03 pm

a single shot takes no skill, anyone can make a single shot, it takes skill to make shots consistently, and thats why OHKs are bad. you take a professional shooter, and you pin him 1v1 against a complete noob and they play 100 round; if their guns do OHKs then the noob is going to win some of the rounds, not alot, but probably around 10-20. If you take the same professional shooter and the same noob and they play 100 rounds, but this time you give them each a gun that takes 5 hits to kill, the noob would likely not win any, but at the very least should win significantly less then the first scenario.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 2:35 pm

isn't there a difference between quickscoping and OHK? developers sometimes increase the accuracy of a gun by making you look through its scope, quickscoping is just getting the accuracy bonus while avoiding an extremely narrow field of view. if there is quickscoping, it doesn't mean that shots that are 100% accurate are OHK, does it?

You are right, but I guarantee that anyone asking for quickscoping will also complain if there are no OHK snipers. Quickscoping just isn't very practical once you start having to shoot people twice or more. But if someone still wanted to do it in that situation, it wouldn't be nearly as bad. Still not a fan, as it takes away the main disadvantage of snipers (CQC) while keeping the long range dominance they are made for.

P.S. would also like to add that neither realism, nor a total lack of realism are any fun. If, in order to snipe, you had to lay prone, focus your scope, keep your breathing and sway in check, adjust for wind, gravity, temperature, altitude, spin-drift, the rotation of the earth (on longer shots), and trigger pull, sniping would be far too tedious to be much fun for anyone.

On the other side of the scale, avoiding anything that actually happens in the real world makes something so foreign and strange that its impossible to relate to. Even in less extreme examples, I find that the less "realistic" a game tries to be (at least in the FPS genre) the more simple and boring it tends to get. You mention that Quake 3 had no recoil, and that it was fun. Well, at the time, Q3 was fun, but if I go back and try to play it, I'm sure that it will seem really basic compared to the games of today. Compromise and moderation is the way to go, as with most things.
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:53 pm

P.S. would also like to add that neither realism, nor a total lack of realism are any fun. If, in order to snipe, you had to lay prone, focus your scope, keep your breathing and sway in check, adjust for wind, gravity, temperature, altitude, spin-drift, the rotation of the earth (on longer shots), and trigger pull, sniping would be far too tedious to be much fun for anyone. On the other side of the scale, avoiding anything that actually happens in the real world makes something so foreign and strange that its impossible to relate to, compromise and moderation is the way to go, as with most things.

i don't think there has ever been a shooter made that has made a game too unrealistic, so i don't think its a valid concern. but there has certainly been games that were made too realistic, imo.
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:48 pm

isn't there a difference between quickscoping and OHK? developers sometimes increase the accuracy of a gun by making you look through its scope, quickscoping is just getting the accuracy bonus while avoiding an extremely narrow field of view. if there is quickscoping, it doesn't mean that shots that are 100% accurate are OHK, does it?

The way you say it it should be marked as 'exploit' for sure.
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:06 pm

The way you say it it should be marked as 'exploit' for sure.

it was an exploit, but so was bunny hopping. the way how blops patched the game to make quickscoping work, would lead me to consider it not an exploit for blops at the very least.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:17 pm

let's make this clear, i wasn't in any way saying how games should be, i was mainly complaining about people who claim that "realism=/=fun"
every game has to has some realism for it to be fun. certain games more than others
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:10 pm

The reasoning behind not having quickscoping is this:
It's an exploit. It's not a cheat, glitch, hack, or anything like that. Usually, it is up to the community to decide whether a bug is considered an "exploit" or a "glitch". For example, let's take the reload bug in MW2, where if you're reloading, you can double tap the left joystick and it reloads your gun instantly. This was accepted as an "exploit" by the community, and it was kept in-game. Other things in MW2 where not so lucky, llike the javelin missile glitch. The community deemed it as a glitch, and the developers patched it.

Quickscoping is considered an "exploit". So therefore, it is up to the community to decide whether to keep it in-game or get rid of it. In this case the devs said no, and the community said no. End of story
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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:34 am

let's make this clear, i wasn't in any way saying how games should be, i was mainly complaining about people who claim that "realism=/=fun"
every game has to has some realism for it to be fun. certain games more than others

everything we know and can imagine are based off what we experience in reality. so its impossible to create anything with zero realism. you said its realistic because bullets hurt each other. but you could go even further and say the existence of bullets in the game gives it realism, or the existence of some kind of humanoid character in the game makes it realistic or the existence of light gives it realism. people aren't saying that the game should have zero realism. zero realism is as achievable as zero short, zero tall, zero smart, zero dumb, zero cool, zero lame ect. adjectives compare, they don't physically exist. There are games out there that creates standards in people's minds of what is and isn't a realistic game. i provided examples of this. and when they say something to the effect of "realism=/=fun" they aren't saying games should strive to be as foreign from reality as possible, they're saying games that go past the standard amount of realism in shooters, detract from the fun of the shooter by making the game too realistic.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:57 pm

I always wondered how those guys (in mw2) would kill me even though I got the jump on them. I played online like 3 hours found it to be absolutely frustrating and gave up altogether.
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liz barnes
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:09 pm

The problem with quickscoping is that it's too efficient. Getting an instant accuracy bonus, without actually having a narrow view + OHKO is insane. You also have the range advantage.

It's like making a bazooka autotracking targets.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:57 pm

The problem with quickscoping is that it's too efficient. Getting an instant accuracy bonus, without actually having a narrow view + OHKO is insane. You also have the range advantage.

It's like making a bazooka autotracking targets.

Hahaha, I just imagined that, but seriously it's bs in most games.
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:50 pm

hmm, it said there was an error so i reposted, seems like it posted anyway though, sorry about that
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:00 pm

everything we know and can imagine are based off what we experience in reality. so its impossible to create anything with zero realism. you said its realistic because bullets hurt each other. but you could go even further and say the existence of bullets in the game gives it realism, or the existence of some kind of humanoid character in the game makes it realistic or the existence of light gives it realism. people aren't saying that the game should have zero realism. zero realism is as achievable as zero short, zero tall, zero smart, zero dumb, zero cool, zero lame ect. adjectives compare, they don't physically exist. There are games out there that creates standards in people's minds of what is and isn't a realistic game. i provided examples of this. and when they say something to the effect of "realism=/=fun" they aren't saying games should strive to be as foreign from reality as possible, they're saying games that go past the standard amount of realism in shooters, detract from the fun of the shooter by making the game too realistic.

the sentence people throw at me whenever i use the argument that it's unrealistic and doesn't help to make the game more fun does imply that they want a game with zero realism though
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:53 pm

I always wondered how those guys (in mw2) would kill me even though I got the jump on them. I played online like 3 hours found it to be absolutely frustrating and gave up altogether.

The COD-games are utterly reliant on pings. If your client tells the others/the server you have hit someone, that person gets hit. Period.
So if you have a good latency (<40) and fight someone with a bad one (>50) you can kill them before they actually see you on their client early enough to react.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:17 am

The COD-games are utterly reliant on pings. If your client tells the others/the server you have hit someone, that person gets hit. Period.
So if you have a good latency (<40) and fight someone with a bad one (>50) you can kill them before they actually see you on their client early enough to react.

And with no dedicated servers it made it even worse for Australians. -__-
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:23 am

In CoDBO, I killed someone while they were jumping off a bridge. Every single shot missed by about 3m, but his hitbox mustn't have been moving as fast as his graphic or something. Or just lag. Either way, it wasn't fair for him.

Quickscoping is a way to get a OHK with perfect accuracy. It's a gamebreaker, since there isn't much you can do to counter a good player using it. A good sniper can be counter-sniped or just gunned down, a goot run/gunner can be sniped or ambushed, but a good quickscoper has the speed of one and the accuracy+power of the other.

OHK Quickscoping should be out. But if people want to wave around their little short rifles, I can live with that.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:58 pm

Quickscoping out of COD?: :thumbsdown:

Having a gold sniper rifle when the game was out for only a month?: Already tell he hacked... look at the way his bullets never really hit anything...

And no... I do not want a :cookie:
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:50 am

And no... I do not want a :cookie:

How about a turtle? :turtle:

Or an owl? :spotted owl:
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Post » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:49 pm

Or a tapir for that matter.
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