Hey everyone.
I wanted to play through the Wizard Island mod, so I downloaded it and finished it. Great mod, a lot of fun.
But now I want to go back to normal Morrowind. I want to hear the Morrowind theme when I start a game and I don't want to see that large island on the side of the map. Unfortunately, the game won't let me. When I turn the mod off and try to play (even though I only have vanilla MW items in my inventory and am at Seyda Neen), it goes through all the missing files (literally all of them, hundreds) that are missing because I turned the mod off, asking "Continue running executeable?"
I tried hitting yes through them all but the game crashed. I've tried a bunch of different things, but so far have been unable to remove Wizards Island from my game but still play the same character. Am I screwed over here, or is there a method I don't know of?