Not sure I followed it very well. O.o
I'll try to make something out of it.
Ja Varr grew up apart of a Small Khajiit Caravan in Skyrim, and found themselves having a bad reputation for simply being Khajiit. The local Nords did not trust them, as they were casually put under the stereotype of Skooma Dealers, Addicts, Thieves, and Smugglers. Ja Varr and his family had come to hate the Idea, and also any Khajiit who had created the "One bad Apple spoils the bunch" affect.
Ja Varr's job as a young age was to Cut Wood to keep the fires warm in harsh Winters of Skyrim. He had also taken interest in Smithing, and desired to learn how to create his own weapons, and use them. He trained with his father, Woshmers (Odd Khajiit name, but it's you're story
), where Ja Varr had finally exceeded to his Father's skill at Sword play at the age of 13. Ja Varr had proved to be a worthy opponent in Combat, and was starting to be trusted a bit with protecting the Caravan, as his Father was.
At the age of 16, Ja Varr was and the Caravan was travelling to the next Settlement to sell their wares, when suddenly they were ransacked by a group of Argonian Mages. Ja Varr watched his family and friends get Burned and Electrocuted by the Spells flying around him, Combat wasn't viable as the Mages took a Distant advantage. Ja Varr fled, and the only one who survived.
Ja Varr kept running, even though he was out of sight, he just didn't know what else to do but continue to run. His heart was still beating out of fear, and was starting to run out of breath. Ja Varr finally became aware of his surroundings from the sound of clashing Steel, He was in Dark Water Crossing, and saw men in Blue and Red outfits fighting, when Suddenly Ja Varr took an Arrow in his Leg, and a Sword Hilt to his head that knocked him out.
Ja Varr's current Build and RP Ideas:
He still chops wood as a Job,
Specializes in Smithing, Archery, and Dual-Wielding.
Denies his Role as the Dragonborn for his hate of any kind of Magic.
He has a personal grudge against Argonians from the Caravan ransacking.
He Is apart of the Companions, and desires to cure his Lycanthropy so that he can go to Sovngarde upon death.
Now it's time to kill a Witch.
--End Translation