modeler's, nif-guru's ...? help desperately needed

Post » Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:36 am

i have a die-hard issue with a custom nif (itself pieced together from 2 vanillas),:

(already had a similar topic some time ago, still couldn't solve this though)

it's all behaving as should without any problems - until room markers come into play.

in the basic version (just putting it there in ck), it turns invisible within any roommarker (activation, collision etc still ok though)

whatever i change to the model itself, up to what my very limited nifskope skills give that is, only seems to make matters worse -

but i can influence the effect via record flag settings in tes5edit:

enabling flags for:

* "HiddenFromLocalMap StartsDead MotionBlur CastsShadows" (mostly the shadows here i guess)

* "PersistantReference QuestItem ShowsInMainMenu" (need it persistant)

* "VisibleWhenDistant"

* "RandomAnimationStart NeverFades"

both on ref as on base object (a container), they turn up visible as should*) - within HALF of the room markers.

where by "half of", i really mean they're actually behaving like there was 2 "types" of RM's (which i certainly know are not), as they, reproducably, turn up (or not) in always the same -

*) found (and forgot) 2 or 3 more slightly different working combos, none making matters better than the above and most making them worse though

the odd part about this being:

when i now uncheck the "PersistantReference..."-flag on the base object only (but leaving it set on ref), the "half" of room markers inverts, meaning, the object is now visible within the same markers it wasn't before, but invisible where it could seen before (and everything still perfectly normal in places without RM's involved

and another thing that's odd: in places where one turns up invisible, i can place 2 or 3 more in game, and from the 3rd on latest, they all come out visible, right in the same place next

to the invisible ones, while these remain invisible. and if i pick them all up an replace, it starts with invisible again

i'd really be SO happy if anybody could help me with this, pass some clues or whatever. don't even know what i'm actually looking for myself, and trial-and-error testing all thinkable record- or nif-flag combinations (set flag, start game, load game, get the same f** result, quit game, repeat without end) is soooooo.... don't even find a fitting word :-)

and the mod's going pretty good, it'd be a real shame if i couldn't fix this :-|

to take a look at it: in my mod, it's the "s7oCS01contCacheSack01" model, i'd also pm the model alone if needed

or in game, 1 sacks's right at helgen exit on a barrel (coc ChargenExit):

place in ext, all works fine.

walk back into cave, place there: invisible

walk a bit further into cave up to that greenish foggy hall, place there: visible.

(to interchange these last two, un-set persistant-flag on base model in tes5edit)

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