I really enjoyed the quest you have to do in there.
anyone else still finding new things.
I have found every location there is on Skyrim and Solstheim, so nothing new there for me.
There's probably loads of locations out there waiting to be discovered in my game. I usually explore the map in patches.
I have found every marked location there is. There maybe some unmarked, but I bet I've found the majority of those.
I'm pretty sure I discovered every Location at least once, and in about 16% of the time you've been playing, without HUD on. o.o
All that is left for me is Glitches to find that bring me convenient pleasure.
Well, 4,290 of those hours been played in Helgen, then making another new character every 2 hours, you'd be surprised of the things you find outside of Riverwood.
I'm still finding things in Oblivion. I doubt I'll ever find every location in the game. Mostly because I stay on new characters, so the locations I find are repetitive.
I wonder, is there something interesting at the top of the mountain next to Castle Dour?
Same. It's a shame too, since it was such a good game and I loved exploring. Oh well, it gives me time to write my book/short stories now.
I can't remember, but go up there and check it out anyway. Exploration is half the fun for me in Skyrim.