It took a long time, but I was really proud when my daughter finally came home with the fox pet from the Hearthfire expansion. I used to always be able to count on that weird, adorable, creature staring at my child without blinking while she slept. Now, the fox is gone. I've been searching for possible solutions on the web but have found nothing that works. I first read that it may be an issue of the pet clipping into floor, and that the animal allegiance shout might be used to rustle them out if I left the building right after doing it. No luck. I also read somewhere that the pet may be stuck in the basemant, so I tried giving my daughter a wooden sword so she'd go down to the basemant and wail on the practice dummy. No luck. I even tried searching all around the houses the kids had lived at to see if I could find a dead fox body. Nothing. Finally, I just decided I'd try waiting it out. In game time, it's been well over a month, during which time I've traveled all over skyrim and solstheim doing quests, and the little bugger is still missing. Does anyone have any other ideas, or should I just get used to the idea that it's glitched out and gone for good?