Potema was one of the most despised rulers of the Era, and her rule resulted in a civil war. Who on Tamriel would grant her legitimacy?
Also, High Rock opposed her rule and fought against her, so why would the province fall in behind her?
Potema was one of the most despised rulers of the Era, and her rule resulted in a civil war. Who on Tamriel would grant her legitimacy?
Also, High Rock opposed her rule and fought against her, so why would the province fall in behind her?
She would have a stronger claim than most people alive, but that doesn't mean she'd ever be made Empress.
If She was able to revive Herself in Her body, People would support Her. She is still a Septim, and clever enough to use Talos as a Standard to gather an Army behind. Even as a Lich Queen, She would be a force to be reckoned with. Think about screenshots by Hevnoraak with hundreds of Draugr assaulting Towns in Cyrodill, that is what She could do as an Undead. As a living and breathing Queen, She has that as leverage. She would not need it in the current Political Climate, and She would not need to bring it up as a bargaining chip.
The Bretons supporting Her would depend on the current makeup of the Elder Council. If Bretons feel the Elder Council is not willing to support them, Potema is a Daughter of High Rock.
I wouldn't of supported her. But I guess her undead and vampire hordes would of made it hard for the legion.
It would be fun to see the thalmor pee in their pants if she got any real political power though.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. It's a trick; a shadow on the wall."
Potema would not be Empress if she came back from the dead because the Empire and its people would not accept her as such.
Not all TES events are Canon as 2 certain people being mentioned during Dragonborn DLC would have died and have no role in the quest lines as
SPOILER (i more or less forgot on how to do the Spoiler thing)
Falx Carius would have died by the Werewolf Bloodskaal and Neloth by a member of the Mages guild
Unfortunately I don't think the people would have much choice in the matter. She was able to bring the Empire to it's knees (or at least make it bleed more than most could in a civil war) in life; as a liche she would be even more powerful. Potentially Mannimarco-before-godhood powerful. Being resurrected in a land engaged in a civil war certainly helps her cause as well.
Of course, we nix her and her cult's plans thoroughly though so it is a moot point, I suppose.
You make a spoiler tag by [xspoilerx]then type in here what You want to say[/xspoilerx] take out the x's and it becomes a
I'll reiterate.....
She made the empire take a knee when she was human, there was little to nothing the empire could do about it. Now that she's a lich ( for lack of a better term) what makes people think that she couldn't retake the thrown? Why would she need supporters? She didn't when she was a human and she wont as a lich. If anything she would slaughter the now ruling royal family and retake her place on the thrown and then all of Skyrim would pay, hell I would say all of the empire would pay.
You nay sayer's keep on saying that without support she couldn't take the thrown. I'll be the first to take a knee to my new queen, out of fear of my life.
"I am the Queen of Solitude, daughter of the Emperor! Summon the daedra! I'll trade the soul of every last subject of mine for a little comfort" ―Queen Potema, 3E 97
Not exactly someone you would want as a ruler...
No one said she would make a good ruler, what's at question is weather or not she has claim to the thrown and weather or not claim or support matters. She would be a tyrant, there would be so much strife and suffering that I have my doubts Skyrim would survive it. Which is why I snuffed her out, can't allow that evil to be risen. Good thing I stopped those necromancers....
Anyway no she wouldn't make for a good ruler, by no means.