Possible to Adopt the Kid That Wants Grelog Dead?

Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:31 pm

I'm not much for kids I admit. But, I'm yet to adopt a child in any playthrough...and It's one of the last achievements I have yet to get.

So is Aventious Arentinio (or whatever his name is) available for adoption?

I kind of like this kid. He has grown on me over the playtroughs and he has some pretty funny things to say if you like dark humor. Not to mention his VO work is very well done IMO.

If not, any recommendations for a kid to adopt? Preferably a little monster that gets into trouble...or mabey a little girl with a smart mouth that will stand up to anyone (I like that bully little girl in Whiterun, can't remember her name...Brea?)

Or is adopting a kid just "fluf", and they are really no different personality wise?

Thanks in advance

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Samantha Mitchell
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:52 pm

Unfortunately, no, you cannot adopt Aventus.

Most kids are the same, personality-wise, although if you've adopted two girls (doesn't matter which two), they do sometimes bicker amongst themselves. I don't know if boys bicker or fight, or if a boy/girl combination has the same result. It's just a momentary thing, anyway, not something they do constantly.

As far as kids who are little monsters, aside from Braith in Whiterun, there's also Britte in Rorikstead, who regularly harasses and terrorizes her twin sister Sissel. You can adopt one or both of them if Lemkil, their father, is killed. You can adopt Braith as well, but both her parents will have to be dead for that to happen.

On edit: note that Braith and Britte probably won't keep their bratty personalities once adopted, as all adopted child dialogue is the same.

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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:16 am

Oh yes, the boy/girl combos do argue from time to time.

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Jason White
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