I'm finally going to buy a homestead...but I don't know which one is the best to buy. So what would you guys recommend? And a reason why i should buy it?
I'm finally going to buy a homestead...but I don't know which one is the best to buy. So what would you guys recommend? And a reason why i should buy it?
hmmm...I see. But what about in terms of the actual locations themselves? Like what is each house in close proximity to that would make it worth buying?
They are all good, so it would depend on a few things? Are you playing on a console or PC? If console, then what type of character, magic user or fighter type? It's really personal preference. The house near Morthal is near the swamps and has a fish hatchery. Combine that with a garden and greenhouse, and anyone that practices alchemy would love it there as they could have all the ingredients at hand, plus it's near Solitude as well. The one you get from the Jarl of Falkreath is the favorite of many for the climate and terrain, and proximity to Falkreath and Riverwood. The house in the Pale, from Jarl Skald the Elder is harder to get, but is on the border of the Pale close to Whiterun, and within easy distance of Riverwood. It's situated at the edge of the mountains, and has clear and wonderful views. As you can configure the wings of the houses for a fighter or mage type, they are all good. Are you going to adopt children? Some like certain houses over others.
Lakeview Manor, from the Jarl of Falkreath, is usually the easiest to get first.
I personally prefer Heljarchen Hall, the one from Jarl Skald. I love the views, and the open space around the house if anything comes to attack (clear field of battle and they can be seen easier). The views at night are pretty spectacular.
Intredasting...well I'm a console player to start off.
And to be honest, I want a homestead that has the least number of enemies in the surrounding area...don't want to be constantly killing enemies just to get to my house.
EDIT: Also forgot to mention, I'm a sneak thief
For that type of character any of the houses work. Each area has enemies near, but they usually are not a problem. HF will have random attacks on your home, but they don't come from the ones located near the houses, they are random and separate spawns. For example, you won't get the necromancer attacking Lakeview, the giant near Heljarchen Hall, or draugr near Winstad, just the occasional randon spawn as said.
Alright sweet, looks like I'm going with Lakeview then because its the easiest to get. I will eventually get the others when I've done the quests for them.
Thanks guys! y'all deserve an icecream for the advice
You are welcome.
On a side note, hire a separate steward for your house rather than making your housecarl your steward, it gives you that extra person protecting your home.
I had my sights set on Adeleisa (sp?)...you know that woman who runs the East Empire Company warehouse in Windhelm, because she's an Imperial just like my character. If I get a second homestead, I would pick Golldir purely because I cant be bothered travelling to the Tomb he is guarding everytime I need him for something. And if i ever get to a third homestead...I would definitely go with Illia once I complete her quest.
Lakeview has the nicest terrain to me. And the nicest name. Would be my choice.
Good choices, but just so you know, Illia can only follow you once, she makes a good steward, but is bugged for following.
I had an annoying bug with the Morthal house, dead (really dead this time) draugr near the stable. Had to stay away ages for them to clear up.
As for the East Empire Company woman, don't take her as a follower and draw your weapons near that wandering Bard. She is indeed a heavily armed hokerr.