Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Version: 1.1.1
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Requires Skyrim version or greater and the official Hearthfire DLC.
This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Hearthfire. If you're experiencing a bug with Hearthfire, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. There are conglomerate entries for object placement (if it doesn't affect gameplay), text errors, and inappropriate dialog (again, that doesn't affect quests or other gameplay) so please use those entries if that's what you're reporting. Use the "Hearthfire DLC" option to tag your report for Hearthfire. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!
A special note for reporting placement errors for Hearthfire. Due to the nature of the mod, the CK is bogged down with hundreds of references overlapping each other visually. It is impossible to do placement corrections without a form ID for the reference you're reporting. Please include this information in any placement error reports. From this point forward, any bugs submitted to the tracker without this information will be closed without investigation. Any posts to the forums without this information will be ignored. There simply isn't any other feasible way to fix these. Thank you for understanding.
(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)
I've seen something called the USKP_Addon? What is this? Do I need it? Is it safe? Why was BOSS issuing warnings about it?
The mod known as the USKP_Addon is not an approved extension and does not have the support of the Unofficial Patch Project. It's author has decided to make some deeply subjective design changes to the game and has chosen to market in such a way as to make it seem as though our project approves of its existence. We do not. This mod is not only full of subjective game design changes but also contains poorly implemented replacements for several fixes we've already made that in turn generate conflicts in the game and can even lead to save game corruption.
We have on several occasions attempted to contact the author, who has contributed fixes directly into the patches before and has ALSO provided Italian translations. He refused to address the issue, in fact refused to acknowledge our concerns at all and has continued to operate as though nothing is wrong.
You are strongly advised NOT to use this mod as it will be damaging to your game. We will NOT provide support to anyone who is using it in their games due to the script conflicts which cause properties to become undone and inflict irreversible damage to the main quest.
We will rescind this warning if and ONLY if these issues are resolved. Good info for when you're having problems and need to locate a potentially conflicting mod.
Previous Threads:,
AndalayBay - For hosting the UHFP Beta and providing it a forum, as well as help with transferring control of the bug tracker information to Bugzilla.
Arthmoor - For stepping in to take over the unofficial patch projects and coordinating the various community reports and submissions into the final products.
Version: 1.1.1
UHFP Fixes
- The gap fix (Bug #6949) for the Greenhouse and the Main Hall has been reverted out. The gap, as it turns out, is the only logical means for any of the bees and other bugs to get in and out of the greenhouse module.
Game Mechanics Fixes
- The mannequins on the upper floor of each Main Hall were prone to wandering due to there being no navmeshes on their platforms.
- AI pack BYOHHousecarlPaleSandboxPlayerHouse was pointing to the wrong interior marker which would result in any NPC using it patrolling Lakeview Manor instead of the intended Heljarchen Hall. (Bug #12888)
- AI pack BYOHHouse3StewardSleepMainHallDouble0x6 was pointing to a bed in the wrong house, resulting in any NPC using this attempting to sleep in the wrong location.
Actor Fixes
- Gregor (BYOHHousecarlPale) is configured as a 1 Handed weapon warrior, but was equipped with a 2H sword. (Bug #12275)
Quest Fixes
- The USKP fix to allow Proventus to sell home furnishings while on the Dragonsreach porch has been extended to allow him to do so for Hearthfire. (Bug #12569)
- The workbench in the basemant of Windstad Manor was incorrectly configured to disable the one in the basemant of Lakeview Manor, along with an associated dummy marker for the same pair of houses located outside. (Bug #12566)
- USKP fixes for correctly determining when all of the house additions in Windhelm have been purchased have been merged with the addition of the child's bedroom. (Bug #12751)
- The player alias on BYOHHouseBuilding unnecessarily sends ALL items picked up or dropped by the player through the script that processes handling sawn logs. This leads to an insane amount of lag in Papyrus as the game is attempting to deal with it when large numbers of items are managed. (Bug #12851)
- Dismissing a bard would not actually cause them to get dismissed and leave the house as expected. (Bug #12942)
Script Fixes
- Function MoveEntryRoomFurniture in BYOHHouseScript should not be returning bool since the function never returns anything. (Bug #12250)
- Functions BuyRoomFurniture(), EnableRoomFurniture(), and EnableAllFurniture() in BYOHHouseBuildingScript should not be returning bool since the functions never return anything. (Bug #12249)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- Several pieces associated with the "barrels" option in the Entry Room conversion for the houses end up clipping with other options that become available with the addition of the Main Hall. These objects are now enabled with the Fire Pit option in the Small House. [kettle, venison, cabbage, hexagonal wall hanging] (Bug #12185)
The complete changelog is