Yep, depends on how you installed the mods in the first place.
Also depends on how messed up you think you made things with your installation of those mods!
If you installed via the Nexus Mod Manager, deactivate and uninstall via the NMM.
If you installed SKSE, ENB, Wrye Bash or any other mods not in the data directory, then it's best to check their readmes and either use their supplied uninstall programs or remove manually if they don't have an uninstall- or for a completely clean sweep uninstall Skyrim via Windows (or "delete local content" from Steam). That may be the safest bet - clear up absolutely everything so you're starting from scratch - then reinstall Skyrim either via your CD or via Steam download.
Either way, make sure you delete your skyrim inis and other related files - effectively everything under documents/my games/Skyrim - and also under users/yourusername/AppData/Local/Skyrim.
It really isn't worth the risk of trying to load anyway - if you had any mods that use scripts, add new objects or mess with the lists in other ways - you WILL have problems, even if you don't realise it at first.
When you play with mods, data from those mods get embedded in your save game - which means when you uninstall a mod it is not safe to continue playing with that save - it might seem as though it's ok for a while, but as soon as your save game references something from a deleted mod, you'll have all sorts of issues - including crashes.
Bethesda do not support and do not recommend uninstalling any mod and continuing to play a savegame that has been played with the mod present.
If you want to uninstall a mod, you need to go back to a save from before you first installed that mod, or start a new game.