First I updated the Skyrim mod manager to the current version. Then I went through my mod list in my Skyrim mod manager and discovered that several mods had updates. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem to be an automatic downloader for updates.
I then logged on to Skyrim nexus. Found the different mod pages and tried to download. The downloader acted unstable. Some downloads didn't even start. The ones that did start seemed to download for a few seconds, but each of the 4 downloads stopped and i got an error message: "Server unreachable".
Is this a site problem, or is the problem located in my SKSE or download manager?
Just checked the SKSE version, and it's the current one.
Should I uninstall the older mod versions first?
I also get a lot of "502 - bad gateway" when navigating on Skyrim Nexus.
Anyone care to shed some light on this