A problem creating a mod

Post » Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:33 pm

you'll probably think im stupid, but im not so familiar with the modding business yet...

Im trying to make a new weapon, and the base of it a duplicate in the creation kit of the steel sword.

now, i want it to have a special texture (steel but in different color), so I opened the steelsword.dds an edited it.

now, I cant find how to make the sword use that texture without replacing the texture of all the steel swords in the game..

thanks for the help.

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Markie Mark
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:02 am

Use a texture set.

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Dan Endacott
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:49 am

Ah, UltraNoob Error Number One! The oldest gaff in the book! I've done it myself.

You DUPLICATED the sword and, hopefully gave it a new name? I always start things with _shb_, then I can find them easily later.

So, _shb_Stainless Steel Sword, name displayed in-game "Stainless Steel Sword".

So, you should have made a copy of the mesh and the textures and given them the same name as your sword. Then, that texture is unique to that mesh and both are unique to your item.

That's how I do it:

_shb_Stainless Steel Sword

_shb_Stainless Steel Sword.nif

_shb_Stainless Steel Sword.dds

Otherwise, you just change all the steel swords in the game. Luckily, it is only saved in your esp file, so deactivate th mod and go back to vanilla. If you change the names of what you have copied, that should work fine as long as they have different names to vanilla.

Then you have to find a way to get the sword into the game.

Using the console and typin

Help "stainless steel" should give you the code for it.


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Marine x
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:58 am

PS, to access the textures and meshes to rename them, you'll need FOMM to extract them from the relevant bsa file.

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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:18 am

As I think I understand the process:

1. Duplicate and rename the steel sword to MySteelSword in the CS. Save it.

2. Extract the Mesh from the Meshes BSA and use nifscope to make minor changes if it's just something like removing a nifnode or adding one from a different mesh.

Then save edited nif as MyNewSteelSword in the Meshes folder.

Skip this step if you're keeping the origional shape. (In any case you can find the path to it's texture by looking in the nif.)

3. Extract the texture and normal map files from the textures BSA. Edit as wanted with Gimp then save the edited textures as MySteelSwordTx.dds and MySteel Sword Tx_n.dds in the textures folder.

4. In the CS in Miscellaneous\TextureSets R-Click the new. Name it MySteelSwordTS.

Highlight Diffuse - Edit - then point it to the filepath to MySteelSwordTx.dds.

Highlight NormalGloss - Edit - Then point it to the filepth to MySteelSwordTx_n.dds


5. In the CS find your MySteelSword object. Edit Model and point it to your MyNewSteelSword in the meshes folder.

Then in the Alternate Textures box R-Click - New - then point it to your MySteelSwordTS.

Link the Texture Set to the Textures.

Link the object name to the Mesh then link that to the TextureSets (an object might have different parts each linked to a differnt Texture Set each TextureSet linked to a different pair of textures)

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Stu Clarke
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Post » Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:21 am

IT WORKS!! problem is that I can only see it retextured if i drop it, not in the inventory\equiping. and, i can only see the chnaged on the bottom part of the sword, but the blade isnt affected...

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