First off I just want to say I'm not sure if this is in the right place, but general discussion seemed like the proper place to me. If it's not just let me know or switch it to the proper area. Thank you!
Hey there, I've been reading up on a few things and I've been playing The Elder Scrolls since Morrowind and I even went back to Daggerfall and ARENA.
Anyways, in the Elder Scrolls games I've noticed for the PC (Which is owned by Microsoft) they have a lot of mods out. Which brings to question why won't Microsoft allow Bethesda to allow mods on Skyrim and other Elder Scrolls games on the consoles.
Now, I understand that PC is good and everything and someone will probably say "If you want mods then get it for the PC." Well, some of us don't have computers for that and can't afford it. Even though I'm sure I could find a decent computer for under $500, but I don't have that.
So, I read up on the fact that Bethesda loves the mods some of the community makes. They wanted a way to allow the mods to be downloaded and put onto the game for the consoles, but Microsoft is against it. Which, as I stated previously Microsoft is also PC. So...if they allow it for the PC why not allow it for the console? It wouldn't be modding the console which I know is what they're against, but it would be pretty much like DLC in my opinion and that right there is ok on the consoles, so why are they against it?
What are your thoughts? Please keep this friendly and don't start any hate. I've thought about this for a while now, and it is quite plausible to allow the Nexus and such to put mods into the store as free DLC, or for Bethesda to say "Hey, we're going to take all of this content and allow it to be DLC for free." or for them to have a free download of a console version of the Creation Kit and allow users to create and share. Isn't that what Microsoft wants? To be user friendly and for the users to share their stuff? I mean come on.
Now, that's just part of this discussion.
The next part has annoyed me for quite a while since they created Oblivion and when I went back to ARENA and Daggerfall and then back to Morrowind it also annoyed me.
The whole taking away skills and everything else that has made the game an RPG. It still is, but it is less so in my opinion.
I wish they would bring back the skills from Morrowind and such, or add some more skills because things are just dull. Perks aren't even interesting or even beneficial really in terms of and RPG. Things are more combat based and not so much based around the interactions with the game environment and NPCs. I remember RPGs where you could interact with characters and your skills would help or even not help your cause. Where certain skills made it easier to navigate and to interact with your surroundings. Where things actually mattered.
Also, Spellmaking. Seriously, the lack of spells in Skyrim is pathetic. Sure, there are some pretty cool ones out there, but whatever happened to Levitate, Poison, Teleportation? All of these spells and even some I don't remember are no longer present. I remember being a mage in Morrowind and being able to create a deadly Poison Fire. Does an initial Fire damage of 25 and then the poison slowly does 5 damage per second. Whatever happened to that? To the creativity? Mages are supposed to learn and to create their powers. Not have some generic crap, but to be unique!
If Bethesda does another update to the game I would love for them to add Spellmaking and Poison back to the game as well as Teleportation. Mark and Recall. Take out the whole fast travel crap, or keep it and make a spell like whirlwind sprint, but as a spell and allowing you to go farther and even go up! You know the keep right outside Whiterun with all the bandits? What do you think they would think if they're just walking along the ramparts and BAM! There's all of a sudden a mage or even an armor clad warrior up there with them because they used this spell? It would be awesome and it would create many interesting enemies...though enemies can already teleport. Why not us? Enemies are more unique than you can create your character.
So, what are your thoughts? I myself want them to add spellmaking back into the game. Give more skills or add just a few. My votes for skills would be:
Bardsong (Sing for coin and even entrance enemies or harm them with songs. There is a bards college after all...and it's quite pathetic)
Athletics (Bring it back)
Acrobatics (Bring it back)
HandtoHand (Bring it back!)
Unarmored (Come on...Mages need some love. Oakflesh only lasts so long...and prolonged battles you can forget)
Languages (Being able to talk to language of certain creatures. The first perk would be to choose a language and you're stuck with it. From there, all creatures you come across of that language you can talk to, or they ignore you and they will divulge secrets or something.)
What would you add if anything?
Also, adding back the bartering would be nice. Speech is pretty pointless without it. The whole conversations with people gets [censored] after a while. Only being able to intimdate, bribe, or whatever with certain people at certain times and only that once. I's pretty stupid.
There is so much more to discuss and to see what others think! I know with mods a lot of these things are probably possible, but as you should know by now I'm a console gamer with Skyrim and don't have the means to get mods (Least, not if Bethesda can't get mods over to the consoles).
So, to top this off. Is it true that Bethesda was trying to get mods to be on the console? Are they still trying or did they give it up? Well, let's hear your thoughts on all this!