i know are communities are small so i really don't want to get any1 banned. but at the same time its not fair to the rest of the players to have to deal with these guys. for pc players they can just kick the person from the server and move on, but on console your not able to do this. all you can do is report'em.
there are 2 main types of glitch/hack abuse that i see on console:
1. map glitch abuse
2.LS'ing(lag switching) as LS is hard to tell when someone is doing it do to the bad lag in in most games. people that have been playing MP games for a while can usually tell the difference. but i won't lie crysis 3 is probable the hardest game to tell weather this is going on or not.
anyways i just wanted to know what you guys think about this. and weather or they should be reported.