I have been thinking about this lately. The way of the voice is actually quite an impressive philosophy.
The voice and breath are in fact the very essence of oneself and that the Voice should only be used in times of "true need".
Arngeir says things like "Breath and Focus, Dragonborn. Your future lies before you", "Sky above, Voice within", "Wind guide you" and "Let the way of the voice be your guide, and the path of the wisdom will be clear to you".
I think it's a great deal one can learn from this. To find one's inner voice or spirit and use it to get more balnce in life. When Arngeir says "Sky above" or "Wind guide you", I think about the endless possibilities every individual has in life.
Ok.. this turned out to be quite "zen", and maybe I should have posted it in another forum-section, but anyway...