Fixing Restoration

Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:27 pm

Virtually every fix I've seen either goes for the "scaling perks" or abandons wards. The exception is Better Wards, which is... just focused on Wards (though pretty good at that.) Sleepy, but I wanted to shoot some ideas off of you guys based on what I have been poking at.

So my first target is fixing restoration, since it's my favorite. Thus far, here's what I've got:

  • Wards charge twice as fast.
  • Ward costs are significantly decreased.
  • The initial cast of the ward costs a significant amount of magicka.
  • The initial cast of the ward creates a short-range stagger effect around you (comparable to shield bash).
  • If your ward breaks due to absorbing too much damage, the person who broke your ward is staggered hard. (Shield users can charge and KB juggle someone).
  • Wards grant a 30%/45%/60% reduction to all incoming physical damage. (Blocking removes up to 85%, for comparison, and physical damage is more common; wards can remove all magic damage, but blocks can stop up to 50%. Shields also grant an enchant slot.)
  • Wards grant a 0%/20%/40% reduction to all incoming magic. That includes friendly magic, so you get healed less while you're under the stronger wards, as well.
  • Respite grants stamina while using a Ward, to make it more attractive as a hybridization option.
  • Ability to hurl a bolt of energy at a target from range that prevents health regeneration, slows the target, and weakens their physical damage and magical output by 30%. It deals no actual damage, but does carry a stagger effect.
  • Your skill obviates the need for alchemical potions to heal, but you'll still need them for alchemical power boosts.

All of these are meant to deal with the issue that Restoration is inherently too reactive when compared to the other two active defense trees, Block and Sneak. Both of those can create openings, and Restoration needed the ability to do the same.

Then I change the turn undead effects to paralyze undead effects, and make Guardian Circle grant a magnitude boost to the caster with a much faster cast-time. Add an expensive Master Ward spell and a Master self-heal that perfectly heals self to full, like the potions do, but with a slightly longer cast than Grand Healing. I don't think Restoration would need any scaling effects beyond that to stay relevant at all levels. Any thoughts?

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Yama Pi
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Post » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:48 pm

i agree with you that restoration needs too be more effective with overall defense but i think some of these ideas are a little over powered, just needs too be watered down slightly, but a perfect idea that i think gets overlooked a lot.

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Lory Da Costa
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