Something in skyrim that makes you smile

Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:56 pm

I walked into whiterun at 2am and Quite a lot of the NPCs in Whiterun were walking around. I heard a dragon in the distance but I couldnt see it. A master Vampire and his thrall attacked and The whiterun guards killed the thrall then Belethor and Vignar killed the Vampire. I was about to enter Breezehome when the dragon attacked. He was quickly killed because I had help from all the NPCs outside.

Citizens of Whiterun killed- 0
Whiterun Guards killed- 1

lots of people hate vampires and Dragons attacking but I love it, especially when both attack.
after the soul was absorbed and bodies moved and looted, a guard says "Dragons breathing fire in the Sky. Vampires brazenly attacking people on the street. It's the end of the world I tell you." It was perfect timing.

here is the NPCs around the dragon

the guard, dragon, vampire and thrall
:) this happened 20 minutes ago.

What in Skyrim makes you smile.
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:20 pm

Something that made me smile: first time I tried out the pickpocket perk that lets you steal the shirt off someone's back was on a farmer outside whiterun. After I'd nicked his clothes, he turned around and said "there's a nip in the air, cold won't be good for my crops".

Well it made me chuckle.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:31 am

anyone else.
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:33 am

I guess the cold made his cabbages shrivel.
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:50 am

Watching Thalmor soldiers destroy some Stormcloaks, then me beheading those Thalmor.

Thalmor vs Stormcloak fights are...interesting.

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:23 am

Last night a guard said to me "your like me,don't like those klunky two-handed weapons".

I turned around to see she had a warhammer strapped to her back :smile:

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:08 pm

I was set upon by a group of roaming bandits in the Rift tonight. I had to quickly save then leg it (I was one-shotted by their chief with his Elven Battleaxe at one point), and I knew my only way to survive would be use the bears and wolves nearby against the bandits. It worked against the two bandit chiefs (yes, two!), although sadly one or two wolves were killed (Demeter doesn't care about the bears!). She proceeded to behead one of the two remaining bandits, then had fun with the last one. He was a coward, running all over the place and cowering, blabbering about routing and falling back. Suffice it to say, Demeter had a bit of fun toying with him and then killed cam'd him with her crossbow. All in all, quite an interesting experience using the wildlife of Skyrim - especially wolves - against enemies (she did it with a Redguard who had the nerve calling her a milk drinker near the entrance to Dayspring Canyon, but again sadly one of the wolves was killed).

What really made me laugh was the one-shot kill cam the one bandit chief got on Demeter. I then realised I was absolutely screwed if I didn't do something quickly!

To clarify, Demeter is a werewolf, and loves the foxes, wolves, rabbits, goats (yes, even the goats!) and deer of Skyrim. She hates bears because they always kill too much wildlife (I notice most bears are in the vicinity of other friendly wildlife that flee into their territory). It was a shame wolves died against those bandits, but they saved her life, and she recognises the sacrifice of such magnificent beasts. Demeter blames herself for the other wolf dying against the Redguard, she used Kyne's Peace to try to save the wolves by making them uninterested in fighting...

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:08 am

I wandered into Riverwood, and the place got set upon by two dragons (common occurrence, I think it's a glitched game). Huge brawl starts up, both dragons get killed, and standing in the soul flare and flames, a guard says to me in that worried voice, "What is it? Dragons?"

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:56 pm

Killed a dragon near Honingbrew meadery with the help of the two guards who are usually walking around that area. After absorbing the soul neither of the guards said any of the usual comments that you get following a dragon attack, so I "spoke" (ie: pressed the E key on my keyboard) to the guard standing next to me who turned around and said:

"Another quiet day."

He sounded really bored too!

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:40 am

I believe I'm due a dragon attack soon, so you just made me smile by reminding me of that. Last encounter was just a fly-over. Once had a dragon attack at Riverwood. Got to my chest of belongings so I could transport them to Breezehome, there's this whooshing sound, and...yeah, game on! All three guards died, but none of the residents.

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:08 pm

After finding out we had to obtain another two elder scrolls, serena quickly turned to me, exclaimed 'lets go!' and ran to the nearest bench and sat down, the AI in this game is just SO advanced like that

in all seriousness, the fact that it can still surprise me is what makes me smile

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:57 am

I saw Lucia, my adopted daughter strumming a lute in front of Ysolda in my Windhelm home. It almost looked like Ysolda was teaching her how to play the lute, as she was looking at the girl and pondering. Then she looked at me with a smile.

Lucia is a good lute player.
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:50 pm

This one happened last night, coincidentally...

I have a really well modded in basemant that links all my houses and is really quite extensive, massive actually. Anyway, it has a kitchen component in the crafting area, and for the first time ever I took Aela down there while I knocked up some new weapons for her. Usually, with Lydia, Jordis or Serana, they go to the alchemy table or forge and bash away at whatever, but I had finished the first weapon, and was about to dig out some more gear for the second I checked at what Aela was up to, and here she is baking bread at the stove...That really cracked me up, I had never pictured the great hunting beast Aela being Mrs Housewife and doing the wifely duties.

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:13 pm

I didnt know kids do stuff like that.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:45 am

Lucia could. I'm not sure where she got the lute, maybe I gave it to her and couldn't remember?

But yeah, it was random, and cool.
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