Indeed so.
If you're on PC, the Steam Summer Sale should be starting soon.
*cough* Spoiler *cough*
I thought Dragonborn's quest was leagues better than Dawnguard's. Dawnguard's quest aberrated waaay too far from the original idea for my taste.
Pretty sure you can get access to Solstheim by just going to the docks in Windhelm and talking to the captain of the boat.
What I enjoy most about the DLC is access to Solstheim.
You know, I was wondering about that because there was a thread recently about whether or not it's safe to visit Solstheim at low levels. ooooh - this is exciting. I've currently got a level 22 stealth illusionist with alchemy and archery skills. I'd love to get my hands on some of those plants... fun, fun, fun. I love this stuff. Thanks!
I just started a new character because I wanted to try playing DiD on Master with illusion/conjuration and first thing I did was travel to Windhelm, following Tsalgar most of the way. I am still level 1 and my last save is in the New Gnisis Corner club listening to the wandering bard's performance. The character is on his way to Winterhold to join the college, but next time I boot up the game I will have to wander out to the docks just to see if it is possible catch the boat at level one before being acknowledged as the dragonborn.
Wow - did you walk all the way to Windhelm? I can't believe you could get that far and not level, not to mention just survive on Master. Regardless, nicely done though I hate to see you risk a DiD build for the sake of figuring this out. My PC doesn't fast travel and is currently at Windstad Manor over in Hjaalmarch. It'll be a while before she gets to Windhelm, but I'll post the results as soon as I can. Scathecraw from Solstheim would be an awesome addition to my list of poison ingredients.
I picked a Breton and so far have only used conjuration, and just a little alchemy and destruction. He is about to go to level 2. I don't think he will actually go to Solstheim, he can't anyway because he does not have enough Septims, but a trip to the docks to see if he has the option of catching the boat should be safe enough. From there he can go the back way up the hill to Winterhold.
I followed Ralof to Riverwood, where I learned about the college, so I set off straight from there, met Tsalgar part way and followed him the rest of the way to Windhelm. The whole thing took about an hour and a half or so. I did not run into much on the way.
On the road just east of Whiterun a ways I ran into a pack of three or four regular wolves, and on Master at level 1, I had to run away to survive -- just barely made it too, stumbled into a Stormcloak camp and the wolves took off the other direction.
I also ran into a pair of mages, your typical fire/ice mage duel, but by the time they were done fighting each other the survivor was no match for my familiar.
When I ran into Tsalgar, I thought I'd follow him because of the safety in numbers, especially since I was starting to get into snowy areas. But I did not run into any further enemies the rest of the way to Windhelm. It never rains when you are carrying your umbrella.
Yes you can go there without starting the MQ. I never started the MQ, but as a member of the DG, I have been sent on quests to Solstheim by other members - twice!
You can definitely go to Solstheim before starting the main quest. Just take the carriage from the Whiterun Stables to Windhelm, and take the boat there.
The only problem'll be massively underleveled, and everything there will kick your ass.
Starting the main quest is ONLY necessary for starting the Dragonborn questline.
Right, I've seen lots of warnings about this. My PC is level 22 with an even split between health and magicka, nothing into stamina. She's very stealthy but limited to fine-quality leather armor so fairly squishy. The goal would be to collect scathecraw and possibly Ash Spawn ash, but that's it. I think this is pretty safe. It would be good to try and stop the Ash Spawn attacks but I don't know if that's realistic. Her main weapon is stealth, illusion magic, and back stabbing. She's got no chance in melee. If she can't get the various baddies in that quest to fight each other, she'll have to bail.
If there's one add-on worth buying, its Dragonborn. Anyone can tell you this is by far the best add-on, and honestly its probably the only one that's worth 15 bucks.