I had the bright idea to pilfer Drelas' Cottage for alchemical supplies. However, my PC isn't an assassin, just a sneak thief so she used Calm. It worked pretty well (though you have to be careful Drelas doesn't snap out of it). He just stood there and said 'you shouldn't be here' or 'that was pitiful, I barely felt a thing' while my PC grabbed everything in sight.
However, what I didn't consider was whether or not you get reported for a crime - after all, there's a witness! But there doesn't seem to be a report as my PC doesn't have a bounty in Whiterun or Morthal. So does this mean you can rob anyone as long as you use Calm or is entering a house and using the same trick with Calm to pacify the occupant and then steal everything guaranteed to generate a bounty? This is easy enough to test but I thought I'd ask you folks as well.