No Starting Spells (All Races)

Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:44 pm


I recently uploaded my first mod to Steam Workshop, so I wanted to post a thread here as an announcement and discussion.

Let me know what you think of the idea, and whether or not it would be something you would use.

I would even appreciate it if someone subscribed to it temporarily only to try it out and give me feedback.

I'm posting the Description here as it is on the Steam page; in case you don't want to use the link above:




Do you want your new warrior, assassin, or thief to have absolutely no starting spells; or do you simply not want any of the preset spells forced onto your character's spell list? This mod will accomplish that for any new character you create.

What it Does:

When beginning a New Game with this mod installed, your character will not know the spells Healing or Flames. It also removes Sparks, Fury, and Conjure Familiar from their respective races as well. You effectively start the game with no spells.

These spells will only be removed on a New Game; it will not affect a pre-existing Save File in any way.

This mod will work whether you choose to go with Hadvar or Ralof; you will have no spells in either case.

This mod will also ensure that your Spells Learned count is zero; this stat is found under General Stats in the player's menu(see screenshot). Take note that if your race is Dark Elf, High Elf, or Breton, this stat will not be reset until your Prisoner Cuffs are cut by either Ralof or Hadvar. Do not be worried if you see it reading as 1 during Alduin's attack(this is normal and the mod is still working; check it again after your prisoner cuffs are removed).

This mod will not remove Racial Powers (Powers are not to be confused with spells even though they may be like spells); see the screenshots above.

Why this mod was created:

I made this mod, because it is something I use myself (and I wanted it done right).

I uploaded it, because I know that I am not the only one who would use this. (The existence of similar mods being proof)

Another reason I uploaded this is because similar mods on Steam failed to remove the race-dependent spells like sparks, even if the author claimed their mod would.


Requires latest version of Skyrim

Does NOT require Hearthfire, Dawnguard, or Dragonborn

How to Use:

1. Subscribe using the button above and wait for the download to finish.

2. Access your Skyrim Launcher and let the mod's files finish installing.

3. Launch Skyrim and select New Game. (Must be a New Game)

4. Play the game as you normally would.

5. Leave feedback in the comment section below, so I know how it worked out for you.

Compatibility and Technical Information:

This mod is likely to conflict with Alternate Start mods; but it still might work fine if the player has the same prisoner cuffs removed in some manner. My script relies on this OnObjectUnequipped event to remove the race-added spells; however, if for whatever reason this event doesn't happen, my script will shut itself off after the player completes his first quest (which in the vanilla game is right after you exit the cave under helgen keep).

Once it is shut off, the mod will not be able to remove those spells if they are still there. It will also shut itself off when you load a pre-existing game that has already passed this point; In other words, this mod only works on new characters. (It operates this way so that you don't have a needless alias and script running in the game's background.)

This mod might conflict with others that modify the Actor file, Player. This particular file must be modified in order to remove Healing and Flames. This is because, for some reason, Healing and Flames cannot be removed by either console commands or even scripts. Believe me, others and myself have tried.

If you load a pre-existing save with this mod, it will not remove Healing and Flames; the game has already attached those spells to your character, and my mod cannot remove them(it can only keep them from being added on a New Game).


Author - Lancifer (myself)

Special Thanks goes out to bethesda community forum members for giving advice on how to refine my scripts and mod design.

- Mojo22

- Thingy Person

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