Player combat voice methods

Post » Fri Jul 12, 2013 7:59 pm

So I've been fiddling around for a bit now with putting together a plugin to give the player a voiceset with commentary ala Neverwinter Nights 1/2 or for a more recent example Borderlands 1/2, mostly because these are the voice files I've been playing with, as of this moment I've put together quite a few events via scripts and a few story event triggered quests with hidden spells casting effects that act as cooldowns for my various commentary scenarios.

This is all working just fine, however, I've been trying to figure out if there's a simpler and cleaner way I could do a lot of this simply by making my own new DialogueGeneric quest and heaping my there, this should all work fine for replacing all the combat grunts and that business, but I'm noticing that things like the taunts don't ever seem to play for the player, even though the default taunts are conditioned with GetIsID Player == 0, which implies that they can work for the player.

So before I make a new voice type and populate an entire quest with a whole bunch of dialogue, I was hoping to find out, has anyone here played with doing this and has anyone had success getting taunts or other similar dialogue to come out of the player?

Edit: Of course, another benefit to getting this working the same way default dialogue does is that I can compress everything to .fuz's and also have lip synching for third person, and subtitles I guess but that's not a high priority.

EditTheSecond: I'm also trying to use SKSE for the first time, though the function has virtually no documentation online, I'm attempting to use the setvoicetype function here, got everything in the script rolling and compiling but it doesn't seem to work in game.

defaultVT = (Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseObject() as ActorBase).GetVoiceType()(Game.GetPlayer().GetBaseObject() as ActorBase).SetVoiceType(chfshVoice3)

This is how I have it set up, grabbing the original voicetype to restore it upon deactivation, however nothing changes in-game, which is odd. Any thoughts?

EditTheThird: Looks like that function just flat out doesn't work for the player, I can make it do it's thing on NPC's, so I guess the game gets the players voicetype directly from the race selection or something, which kind of svcks, guess I'll HAVE to script everything together and just live with the default voice grunts and what-not.

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Daniel Brown
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