Hi all, first off I would like to thank you for viewing this post. To tell you the truth I'm sort of at a dead end here as far as options go so I decided to ask a more educated Skyrim modding community for this ever so evading answer. First off my project is off a fully voiced follower mod, I am nearly done with the voicing aspect and nearing completion, one problem... His hair. Now I don't want any fancy custom hair, I want to somehow export a certain piece of vanilla hair and edit it as far as a custom color option onto one part of the hair (A blonde streak). I can edit this in what ever need be, I'm not exactly sure what this would require but I have these. (Photoshop,Maya, or blender) Then I would re-import it as a new model to put on my character. The reason I want it to be re-imported as a new model is so that it dose not change every actors hair color that uses that specific set of hair to the custom color that I just edited. I'm thanking you in advance to who ever can help me out on this one. If I may ask a small favor, I'm relatively new to the CK as you may have noticed so I would prefer that my instructions on how to do this would be in a ordered format like so
but help me in anyway you can, thanks.