Personally think glass weapons look terrible as does the armor, but to each his own I guess. I like more functional looking stuff over more decorative/elaborate fantasy RPG stuff. Which sadly means the best gear, and really, almost 100% of the oversized weapons and especially the excessively broad bladed ones or those with pointlessly odd shapes just don't appeal to me.
Daggers are a good example:
Iron: Too rectangular
Steel: Oversized and slightly too rounded but not terrible
Orcish: Looks more like I should be bashing people with it. Which..goes with their curiously non-stabby animations for daggers, I guess.
Dwemer: Oversized and comically broad, might pass as a gladius sort of sword
Elven: Looks more like a kitchen knife with excessive flair, would obviously fail as a stabbing weapon
Glass: It's broad and it... gets wider at the end?
Ebony: I can sort of buy this one. It's single edged, but still looks like it'd function as a sort of primitive piercing weapon due the reasonably pointed and thin nature of it.
Daedric: The design of a scimitar without the size for that design to do any good, along with some pointless jaggedness and random pointyness where it isn't necessary. Almost looks is if it were meant to harm the wielder more than the enemy.
Dragonbone: The blade is bordering on being an oval, but I suppose it's at least still a shape used by some short bladed weapons still and without too much excess frilly stuff in the way.
To contrast, what I'd like to see in a dagger would be designs more like this, at least as a base even if some more exotic designs are included -
It's obviously meant for combat, with a shape clearly for piercing and a hilt practical for catching blades. It's still somewhat ornate, but sleek and simple. I would choose it over any of the dagger designs in Skyrim if I ever had to use a dagger in an actual fight.