No, this thread is not to ask if Destruction is worth it or underpowered lol
I was wondering if anyone has played a Destruction Mage in two of this ways:
1- Have you ever played a Destro Mage without taking the Dual Casting and Impact Perks?
I have never done that. I ALWAYS pick those two perks. I guess I would feel too vulnerable without those. If you have played like this, how do you do it? Which schools of magic do you use to complement your play style? Do you rely more on Runes? Or conjure an Atronach?
2 - Have you ever played a Destro Mage who casts ONLY Frost Spells?
Again, I have never done that. I usually cast either Fire or Frost, but I always have shock magic as backup. So many creatures are resistant (or even immune) to Frost in Skyrim that I think it would be a pain. Again, if you have done that, which schools would you use to take advantage in Dwarven Ruins, or agains Draugr? Illusion maybe?
I'm asking this because I plan to roll a frost mage without Dual Cast and Impact, so I would like to know what would you guys do (or have done) in a similar build.